North Manchester – Ground Floor K Block. What if I can’t keep my Nuclear Medicine appointment? In diagnostic nuclear medicine, the unique characteristics of chemicals called radio-pharmaceuticals* are used for diagnosis. This can help with the diagnosis and treatment of life-threatening or chronic conditions. Nuclear Medicine . For example, the x-rays of the athlete's leg seen in figure 5 (right) were normal, but the bone scan clearly shows the hot area due to a stress fracture. Nuclear medicine doctors use radioactive substances to examine the physiological processes in diseases. A scan will be undertaken after an interval of 1 hour and this may also include a SPECT CT scan. To help you find the information you need quickly, our nuclear medicine leaflets are listed below. After your scan Side effects of having a nuclear medicine scan are rare. FGH 0161 778 2796. The radioactivity is quickly eliminated from the body – usually within 24 hours. Nuclear Medicine, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Stott Lane, Salford, M6 8HD 0161 206 4861 when less urgent than 999 NHS 111 Service 111 Other sources of information We hope your questions have been answered by this booklet. The Nuclear Medicine Department at Heartlands and Good Hope Hospitals perform scans and tests which look at how different parts of the body function. Your test will be specifically tailored to your needs and therefore you will only receive the smallest amount of radiation that is necessary for your examination. Services NHS Lothian provides outpatient Nuclear Medicine services at • Western General Hospital • Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh • Royal Hospital for Sick Children • St. John’s Hospital, Livingston SCI Gateway can be used to submit referrals for bone scintigraphy scans at Western General Hospital only; all other Nuclear Medicine investigations must be referred for North Manchester – H Block Ground floor. Radiology at the Oxford University Hospitals. You may continue with your normal activities after the scan, unless you have been advised otherwise. Nuclear medicine can provide functional information that cannot be obtained using other imaging techniques. The Nuclear Medicine Department is located next to Imaging on level 0 of the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. Nuclear medicine specialists deals with a range of pathology across all age ranges, but specific clinical practice involves major input in: As there is limited parking at the hospital, please allow extra time when planning your journey. The radiopharmaceuticals used are given in the smallest possible doses needed to get the best quality results. Patients attending Nuclear Medicine: If you have been referred for a Nuclear Medicine scan or investigation, we will post you an appointment letter, patient information leaflet and directions to the department. Further Information & Advice The Bone Marrow scan In the Nuclear Medicine SPECT CT Department you will receive a radioisotope injection. As well as high-tech machines, we spread our expertise, care and attention across two sites: Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals. In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, please read our advice and information before sending any referrals. TROH 0161 778 5448. Our nuclear medicine departments have a range of equipment which help us to diagnose heart and lung conditions more quickly. PET imaging PET imaging (positron emission tomography) is a new technique in nuclear medicine which is rapidly gaining clinical acceptance. If you have a new continuous cough, a high temperature, or a loss or change to your sense of taste or smell, do not come to our hospitals.Follow the national advice on coronavirus (COVID-19).. Velindre nuclear medicine leaflets. Patients may stay in the hospital or leave to return later if they prefer. Oldham – G level near main entrance. Alert Coronavirus / COVID-19. This is because a small amount of radioactivity may be released from the body for a period of time after the scan. Nuclear medicine agents are also used to treat benign and malignant tumours. We would like your visit to be as pleasant as possible and hope this ... Hand hygiene The Trust is committed to maintaining a clean, safe environment. Your doctor would like you to attend for a nuclear medicine scan. After the injection patients will be advised of the time they need to return for their scan. We provide comprehensive scientific support to diagnostic nuclear medicine and PET services both within the Trust and across Surrey and Sussex, and we also coordinate and administer molecular radiotherapy treatments at the Royal Surrey. On arrival, please book in at X-Ray Reception on the Ground Floor, close to the Outpatient Entrance. Nuclear medicine is a specialist service and is only provided in the Brunel building at Southmead Hospital. The nuclear medicine department at East Lancashire Hospitals Teaching Trust operates two gamma cameras (including one hybrid SPECT/CT gamma camera) and provides specialist radionuclide diagnostic imaging support across a wide variety of different medical specialities including oncology, cardiology, paediatrics, urology and orthopaedics. Diagnostic – A PET/CT service, including routine clinical 18-F FDG PET/CT imaging in oncology, neuro-psychiatry, infection/inflammation and cardiovascular imaging, 64-slice PET/CT and 16-slice PET/CT systems; joined by PET/MR in early 2012 - the first in the UK. The nuclear scan. Nuclear Medicine Department St Thomas’ Hospital 1st floor Lambeth Wing Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH Tel: 020 7188 4084. Enter X-ray reception and continue ahead, following signs for Nuclear Medicine. Thallium Stress Scan Nuclear Medicine Patient Information Leaflet. Modern nuclear medicine uses hybrid technology to fuse the functional images with anatomical images from CT (PET-CT and SPECT-CT machines). It has 4 gamma cameras (including SPECT/CT), a MHRA-licensed radiopharmacy and dedicated medical and physics support. If you can’t keep your appointment, please contact the Nuclear Medicine department straight away on 020 8661 3762 (Sutton) or 020 7808 8537 (Chelsea). A small injection of slightly radioactive dye is used to obtain pictures of the areas your doctor is interested in. Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Diagnostic Imaging Department East Surrey Hospital Redhill Surrey RH1 5RH Nuclear Medicine Department Tel: 01737 768511 Ext.6001 (Monday to Friday 9 am to 5pm) Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Telephone: 01737 231 958 Email: Nuclear medicine service Information about our nuclear medicine service is only available to colleagues within the NHS network. Nuclear Medicine Department If you cannot find the information you require, please contact our Patient Information Manager: email who will try to assist. Coronavirus: nuclear medicine update. The HIDA scan is only performed in the Nuclear Medicine SPECT CT Department which is situated in the X-Ray Department. Nuclear Medicine SPECT staff. Nuclear Medicine Thyroid Scan Your doctor would like you to have a Nuclear Medicine Thyroid scan and has arranged for you to visit our department. Typically, a small amount of a radiopharmaceutical is introduced into the body by injection, ingestion, or inhalation. The Nuclear Medicine Physics Department is located within the St Luke’s Wing of the Royal Surrey County Hospital. This leaflet will answer To find the Nuclear Medicine department enter the hospital through the main entrance and turn left on to the West wing. Clinical imaging with 68-Ga DOTATATE, 18-fluoride, 18-F choline and 18-F FDOPA are also performed. Reference Number: RDE 19 164 001 (Version date: December 2019) Page 1 of 2 atient Information Nuclear Medicine Scans Your doctor would like you to come for a Nuclear Medicine test (also called a radioisotope scan). Your doctor has asked for you to have a Nuclear Medicine scan. There will be some radioactivity left in your body but this will not harm you or the people around you. If you have received an appointment or have been referred for a scan you are welcome to contact the department and we will explain your procedure for you. What is a nuclear medicine scan? In order to scan you, we will give you an injection of a slightly radioactive substance. This report will be sent to the doctor who requested your scan and should be available within 10 days following the completion of both parts. A nuclear scan is a way of taking images of your body. There are no side effects to this injection. Nuclear medicine staff are trained in radiation safety procedures. TROH 0161 627 8937. If you are admitted to hospital before your appointment, please tell the ward staff that you have a Nuclear Medicine appointment booked. We would like your visit to be as pleasant as possible and hope this leaflet will answer some of the questions you may have. Referral contacts. DAT brain scan This is a test to look at the level of dopamine receptor cells in the brain using a small amount of an iodine based radioactive material. Follow the signs for X-ray along the corridor; X-ray is located on the left hand side just past Fracture Clinic. Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Diagnostic Imaging Department East Surrey Hospital Redhill Surrey RH1 5RH Nuclear Medicine Department Tel: 01737 768511 Ext.6001 (Monday to Friday 9 am to 5pm) Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Telephone: 01737 231 958 Email: Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine What is Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine. Where is a HIDA scan performed? What is involved? Interventional Radiology. This looks at how specific parts of your body are functioning. 2 7 Contact numbers If you have any questions or are unsure about any of the information provided in this leaflet, please contact a member of the staff in the Radiology Department on the numbers listed below:- In PET, isotopes which emit positrons are used. RI 01706 517402. Contact Nuclear Medicine Please contact Nuclear Medicine Reception and they will direct you to the appropriate person to answer your questions. Dr Thomas Grüning Consultant in Nuclear Medicine (01752) 792280, Dr Brent Drake Consultant in Nuclear Medicine and Radiology (01752) 792278, Mr Ivor Jones Consultant Medical Physicist (01752) 792281, Please find information on our services and visiting restrictions in our COVID-19 section. Ultrasound Scan. Nuclear Medicine at Derriford is the largest such department in the South West, with tertiary referrals from across the Peninsula. Nuclear Medicine: Myocardial Perfusion Stress Scan - 4 - Your results The images obtained will be looked at by specialist staff and a report issued. Department contact details. A nuclear medicine scan uses small amounts of radiation to create pictures of tissues, bones, and organs inside the body. Ante Natal Ultrasound Scan. Nuclear Medicine Scan Your doctor would like you to have a Nuclear Medicine scan and has arranged for you to visit our department. Dopamine is a chemical messenger that transmits messages between nerve cells and muscles. Nuclear medicine tests are safe procedures, the amount of radiation received by the patient is minimal and usually comparable to that used in a diagnostic x-ray or CT scan. This website gives only general information so please see your appointment letter for important detail. These should provide all the necessary information regarding where and when to attend, what preparation is required and answer many other questions you may have. Nuclear Medicine Bone Scan – This test involves a small injection into a vein in the arm and a series of pictures will be taken about 3 hours later. NMGH 0161 720 2287.