For those looking to make their KHP30i headsets look brand new, earpads replacement is an effective technique. ), ( These earpads are far thicker than the originals and provide much more cushion. 19 ), ( Most users prefer them for comfort and quality. Anyway, replacing the earpads with these Yaxi ones makes them much more comfortable when listening for a decent amount of time. SEVEN. The Yaxi earpads are originally intended for PortaPros but they are very suitable for the KPH30i. 348 In addition to that they provide a cleaner sound cleaning up the bass and mids and the treble. It is recommended to replace earpads every once in a while to get the best out of your Headphones. The stock has more separation and nuance. 20 6 ), ( Mimouille. The YAXI type B pleather style pads when used on my ATH-ESW9 were an easy fit to get on. Head Pie reviews or ‘showcases’ gear we own, trial and get given as review samples. Reviewer: Michael Amouyal a.k.a. 2 7 37 The Yaxi Pads provide a more balanced sound on a whole by cleaning up bass and increasing upper-midrange and high-frequency presence to reduce veil. 11 WOW. No reproduction without permission. The Yaxi Ear Pads offer much better cushioning and help lessen the mid bass congestion and allow the mids and highs to be a bit more present and give a more balanced overall sound. You can also find us on Facebook, instagram and Twitter. MMCX and two pin with Dita Awes... Yaxi pads review and impressions - expatinjapan, Campfire Audio Andromeda (V3) review & impressions, quick look - expatinjapan, CEntrance Hifi-M8v2 detailed impressions by HeadphoneAddict, Vision Ears VE8 Brief Review. Its not much, but just enough to take the stock sound in the right direction; slightly less 'claustrophobic' than stock and not as bright as hd414 or earzonk pads. Yaxi is a Japanese brand that makes pads for a select set of headphones including the Koss line. The downside is that they are flourescent yellow. It allows me to turn up the volume a bit, producing a nice and big sound. ), ( 3 The earcups are also light, while the stock “leatherette” earpad material is soft enough while moisture and tear resistant. These pads are very similar to the "Flat" pads, but are available far more cheaply. 2 312 The YAXI pads produce a noticeably larger soundstage than the stock pads. Equipped, they transform the MSR7 into a very well voiced midrange headphone that can compete, in terms of tonality, with higher priced models. Head Pie is a site about audio, the people and companies who make and design the gear and most importantly the music. ), ( Vision Ears VE8 Brief Review Reviewer: Michael Amouyal a.k.a. We will review them as usual in due course and find out about the fit, comfort and sound when used with ATH-ESW9. ), ( 6 Click on the drop down menu (highlighted by a pink circle for English menu). 255 And then I found some reviews of Yaxi pads, the price was fair so I bought a pair for my MSR7. Vision Ears VE8 Brief Review Reviewer: Michael Amouyal a.k.a. Yaxi pads have a large selection of ear pad replacement to choose from. ), ( ), ( 15 14 Stock are more balanced with the vocals and music. 7 If you want a headphone that works great for all around general use you don't need to spend that much at all - because the Koss Porta Pro + Yaxi pads are a thing. 13 For specifi... By Audiofool The Ta-03s is currently the only all tube amp in the Xduoo line. I found that I would pick either the Leather (with filter) or the Comfort set as the bteer for the ATH-ESW9. ), ( I did an A/B test with my old pads, which are admittedly aftermarket ones, and I noticed a slightly deeper, fuller, more extended bass response from the YAXI pads. We are non partisan and not related to any audio company. HeadPie: Simple audio hobbyists and enthusiasts with a dubious quality of hearing. They do not do so to an extreme extent, however, they do create a more L-shaped signature with forward, full-bodied vocals. This may seem counter-intuitive as they negatively affect treble air, however, their more laid-back vocals and highs contribute greatly to dimension, especially width, in addition to being physically wider. YAXI, an ear pad manufacturer from Japan provide a simple and affordable solution. Something I had done in the past with my ATH-ESW11 and some replacement pads many years back. Head Pie reserves the right to edit or delete any articles, interviews or photos on the Head pie site, whether written by Head Pie or written by contributors or interviewees. Fast airy, and with a bit of bounce. 13 Head pie reserves the right to be lazy and useless and just post pretty pictures and specs cause its really all just about spam, so just make that stuff up and copy and paste specs. ), ( Head Pie is a site about audio, the people and companies who make and design the gear and most importantly the music. ), ( They sit on my ears like fairy dust, gentle and warm. Think how jealous you’re friends will be when you tell them you got your yaxi pads koss on AliExpress. Head Pie. In earlier years when I used to game more with my ATH-A900 headphones I found I would have to replace the ear pads every 1-3 years dependent on hours played to retain excellent resolution. Yaxi’s Alcantara pads offer an immediately more natural sound than the stock pads, making them an easy recommendation for owners looking for a more balanced flavour of MSR7. ), ( We are non partisan and not related to any audio company. In that aspect, they do a wonderful job. ), ( I primarily use the KSC35 with Yaxi ear pads and a very inexpensive (less than $5) Parts Express headband. High-grade protein leather over 18mm-thick slow rebound memory foam that curves and contours to your individual head shape and reduces pressure on your ears. ), ( I'm impressed and quite happy with the slight enhancement to audio. Huge thank you and thanks for all the goodies! No ratings or reviews yet No ratings or reviews yet. All of these impressions and follow-on measurements come with Yaxi Pads installed. You can also find us on Facebook, instagram and Twitter. If you like bass, stick with the stock pads. As a bonus, they also seem to open up the soundstage a bit and they make the Porta Pros sound a little clearer in the mid-top range. Their pads are larger and come in colorful choices that give new life to … Head Pie reviews or ‘showcases’ gear we own, trial and get given as review samples. The K712 is a very respectable headphone stock and many enjoy its sound, however, those wanting greater warmth without being smothered by bass will find delight in the Yaxi pad’s more organic sound. ), ( These pads have no center opening, but can be "Quarter Modded" just like the C-Cush pads to provide a more open presentation. Physical differences are the inner core/stem is color coded on the ++. 8 The Comfort style pads (materials listed below on the spec sheet of the box). 20 This is a series of posts on Head-fi by long term member (and quietly a legend) HeadphoneAddict on the CEntrance Hifi-M8v2. Oh, and the memes, don’t forget the memes. Yaxi pads were nice enjoy to send Head pie a selection of their replacement ear pads to try on my ATH-ESW9 headphones. ), ( ), ( The mids and high frequencies didn't seem to change, at least not noticeably. ), ( These seem to be genuine yaxi pads, so the price is quite decent, although pricey for what it is. Powered by. $52.37 +$25.00 shipping. 8 Head Pie does not solicit money for any of its interviews or reviews. ), ( ), ( The mid/upper-mid range is now more exposed, while the bass response is still there. Yaxi Earpads have a variety of earpads on offer. so they are in a good condition to check out what particular difference might be discerned from using the pads from Yaxi. And wow they are! ), ( ), ( It also seems to be slightly firmer and and have a better lip to grip... 8GB RAM 128GB Storage Thin amp (only?) 213 Online either order via mobile, the computer interface is also easy and also available on amazon. ), ( ), ( Physical differences are the inner core/stem is color coded on the ++. With the lowest prices online, cheap shipping rates and local collection options, you can make an even bigger saving. The prices seemed to vary from US$10 to $50 depending on the materials used, size and make. ), ( 12 Review samples are generally sent to Head Pie by the company and then kept by Head Pie as reference points for further reviews, or sent to a reviewer or given away as promotion for Head Pie and the involved company via the site and Facebook, or some needy non audiophile person - but more usually someone in need such as a community worker, teacher etc that serves the people and wider community. 3 These are certainly comfortable. ), ( 16 See all. Review samples are generally sent to Head Pie by the company and then kept by Head Pie as reference points for further reviews, or sent to a reviewer or given away as promotion for Head Pie and the involved company via the site and Facebook, or some needy non audiophile person - but more usually someone in need such as a community worker, teacher etc that serves the people and wider community. I went for the blue ones - they match the classic Porta Pros very well. long time wearing, feel no pain. ), ( 1 Contact Head pie at, Thomas/ScramblerB9, Wil/AudioFool, Audionewbi, David.M Joe, Ezekiel77 and, ( Copyright 2015-2069. It also seems to be slightly firmer and and have a better lip to grip... 8GB RAM 128GB Storage Thin amp (only?) Mimouille. ), ( Meanwhile, highs become noticeably smoother and bass plumper with enhanced note body. This is a series of posts on Head-fi by long term member (and quietly a legend) HeadphoneAddict on the CEntrance Hifi-M8v2. Note the colors that you want(for example, 1 set of Red +1 set of Blue or 2 sets of Orange).You will also get a Porta Pro Poster and a Yaxi sticker for free. ), ( 15 ), ( The original ATH-ESW9 retain the best of what the ATH-ESW9 has to offer, but the replacement pads meant for the HD25 when applied to the ATH-ESW9 is a bit of fun, like tip rolling with IEMs. 2 … More layered. The Yaxi pads offer a much more comfortable fit and reduce clamping pressure. ), ( The type B seemed a bit darker and even muffled that the other two ear pads. Head Pie does not solicit money for any of its interviews or reviews. We will review them as usual in due course and find out about the fit, comfort and sound when used with ATH-ESW9. 1 JAPAN. 213 ), ( Yaxi’s earpads demonstrate how small tweaks can culminate to transform a presentation. ), ( Another great package from @yaxiearpads This time it's the StPad 2 for my Audiotechnica M40x - they are soooo comfy and work wonders for sound. ), ( Mimouille 1. We are simple hobbyists interested in headphones, IEMs, amplifiers, daps and dacs. 242 Yaxi Earpads have a variety of earpads on offer. More bass that I could tell, a bit of a bleed into the mids. No reproduction without permission. The sound is there. They effectively reduce veil in addition to increasing transparency and detail presence.Plus, with a number of colors to choose from, you can customize the look of your own Porta Pro as well as the feel. But the strong low end of the Type B could well appeal to many who love that low end boom, boom. Head Pie reserves the right to edit or delete any articles, interviews or photos on the Head pie site, whether written by Head Pie or written by contributors or interviewees. 30 Oh, and the memes, don’t forget the memes. Mimouille 1. ), ( I quite like the sound of these with the ATTH-ESW9. HeadPie: Simple audio hobbyists and enthusiasts with a dubious quality of hearing. I do wish I had a set of HD25 to try them out with. Be the first to write a review. Their larger dimensions spread clamp force more evenly over the outer ear and they are substantially more padded than the stock foams. 16 ), ( 105 ), ( A great alternative earpad replacement is the Yaxi set which is sold from Japan but delivered worldwide. ), ( 105 FROM. YAXI EARPADS for Koss PORTAPRO Blue Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. The yaxi pads are worth the wait..and worth every penny. As seen above the Leather also came with pieces for the head band. 30 11 The HD650’s low-end is neither pillowy nor fluffy. item 2 YAXI STPAD-DX Replacement Ear Pads for MDR-CD900st MDR7506 CD700 V6 from Japan 2 - YAXI STPAD-DX Replacement Ear Pads for MDR-CD900st MDR7506 CD700 V6 from Japan. Having changed pads before I was already familiar with the process so that was accomplished rather quickly and easily. The YAXI pads provide a more visceral sub-bass response with vast improvements in texture, dynamic contrast and detail. I recently have had my ATH-ESW9 serviced by Audio Technica Japan as one of the swivels broke and also opted for the full servicing which included head band and ear pads. Got the replace my ageing and disintegrating stock pads. YAXI does it best when it comes to earpads, and we're so glad they did this for the Grado favourites: SR80e, classic SR325e, limited edition Hemp, or the new GW100. 255 242 Click here to see the full review. ),, iBasso DX300 - (updated 25/12/2020) thin amp modules and recent information, Campfire Audio Solaris and Dita Oslo cable, Hifiman unboxing and impression, R2R2000 - Audionewbi. 14 The Koss Porta Pros still keep their bass tilt character but are more comfortable and a bit more neutral. Their Porta Pro pads aren’t using any unorthodox material such as their Alcantara line, but a soft sponge that better conforms to the ear. 37 Head pie reserves the right to be lazy and useless and just post pretty pictures and specs cause its really all just about spam, so just make that stuff up and copy and paste specs. ), ( Powered by. Vocals forward of the music. ), ( The YAXI pads are well made and a quality product. 4 ), iBasso DX300 - (updated 25/12/2020) thin amp modules and recent information. ), ( Decided to give them a go on the gaming ATH-PDG1 headset and while the results were interesting, the looks are even better:D 5 ), ( Copyright 2015-2069. Comfort is also much better with the yaxi pads as many have reported. Well built pads and a great choice If you are looking to replace your current aging pads, as old pads can ruin your experience when listening to music. Stock leatherette pad on the left, YAXI Comfort on the right What made the HD25 a huge hit with the sound mixing community was its careful balance of isolation and comfort. They leave the porta pro sound unchanged from stock while adding a hint of space. Their larger dimensions spread clamp force more evenly over the outer ear and they are substantially more padded than the stock foams. New Sony, new flagship: Sony IER-Z1R unboxing - Au... Dita Oslo: The fuller, more ergonomic sister of th... Dita - OSLO Cable. 10 Active Contributors are: Mimouille, Ta-ke, Ngoshawk Sounds. Contact Head pie at, Thomas/ScramblerB9, Wil/AudioFool, Audionewbi, David.M Joe, Ezekiel77 and, ( More linear midrange, greater overall balance, improved imaging performance, more plush and breathable than stock pads. ), ( That combo has more forward and intimate vocals than Sennheiser HD58X, while also being smoother sounding. Active Contributors are: Mimouille, Ta-ke, Ngoshawk Sounds. For specifi... By Audiofool The Ta-03s is currently the only all tube amp in the Xduoo line. 9 Head Pie. They still provide a warm, rich sound but with added clarity and detail presence in addition to a more accurate if not neutral tone. ), ( But you may have to act fast as this top yaxi pads koss is set to become one of the most sought-after best-sellers in no time. It afforded a range of possible experience and results. To find out which ear pads fit your headphones YAXI has this handy page. We are simple hobbyists interested in headphones, IEMs, amplifiers, daps and dacs. In the end, the Yaxi pads don’t bring out any more detail, but make minor shifts in the signature to smooth out peaks and some bumps. The Yaxi pads are a vast improvement over the stock tiny black pads that come with the Koss porta pros. 12 The Road to El Dorado - A Campfire Audio Dorado Re... Tin Audio T1 Review: The Pretty Beater - AudioBuko... Campfire Audio Andromeda (V3) review & impressions, quick look - expatinjapan, CEntrance Hifi-M8v2 detailed impressions by HeadphoneAddict, Vision Ears VE8 Brief Review. ), ( 348 Best Selling in Headphones. Yaxi earpads sent Head pie three kinds of ear pads for ATH-ESW9, which are HD25 Comfort, HD25 TypeB and HD25 Leather. As for the pads themselves - they seem to be of high quality, a bit bigger and thicker than stock porta pro pads (see photos). Product: The VE8 is the new top of the line product fro... Yaxi earpads sent Head pie three kinds of ear pads for ATH-ESW9, which are. ), ( 4 ), ( 5 ), ( The buying process was simple, clean and I had them in Poland after 7 days. Quite enclosed feeling. If your headphone is not listed drop them a message. 19 Reviewer: Michael Amouyal a.k.a. ), ( They effectively reduce veil in addition to increasing transparency and detail presence.Plus, with a number of colors to choose from, you can customize the look of your own Porta Pro as well as the feel. A bit reserved. 312 10 With the yaxi pads, the overall tonality became more balanced, though I kinda missed the deeper rumble from the stock pads. Go Fanta Grape for a bit of fun, or keep it classic with black.