NZ Moisture Meters supply meters to the Building Industry. Our grass will be a minimum of 10 months old before harvesting ensuring a mature and healthy canopy and root zone. This product can measure pH as low as 3 and as high as 8, … Soil moisture meters … Woodworking industries, such as furniture makers, use wood moisture meters … This hydrometer can be used to test moisture levels in soil.It is suitable for use in the garden, in pots, or in tubs. Please enjoy browsing through our Moisture Meter website. The Turf-Tec Digital Moisture Sensor has been developed to determine soil moisture in the soil profile. Perfect for areas that have poor moisture holding capacity. If you are on a budget and need to spend as little money as possible, we highly recommend this meter. Check the Moisture Level of Soil, Compost and Similar Materials, Measurement Range of 0 to 50 % Moisture Content, Data Hold & Record (Min~Max) Function, 0.1 % Resolution Soil Moisture Meter … The TACKLife MWM03 is the best wood moisture meter for the money. This means it works well for material with non absorbant particles and inter granular water – such as soil. New Zealand Sports Turf Institute (NZSTI), a member of Labosport Group is New Zealand’s only full-service sports surfaces consultancy group. Wildeye® has been in business since 2002 and has operations in USA, Australia and New Zealand. Moisture Management. All of our stores continue to have a comprehensive range of measures in place to keep team members and customers safe. The first feature is how easy it is to use. Increases soil moisture without causing ‘spongy turf’ problems. Spectrum offers a full line of affordable measurement technology for soil compaction, soil moisture, nutrient levels, light, weather, and other factors directly affecting plant development. They instantly indicate watering needs and light conditions. Always consult a gardening manual to determine the appropriate moisture … Designed to check the moisture level of soil or other similar materials the PMS-714 measures based on conductivity between two electrodes- the probe tip and the probe body. Hydrometer -moisture testing; PH Meter - PH level testing; This 3 in one Soil Testing tool is designed for quick and simple checking of the soil through a Photometer (light testing) a Hydrometer (moisture testing) and a PH Meter … It has been a week without rain with temps in the mid to high 20s and we still have over 30% Volumetric Moisture … Specialists prides itself in bringing technologies to the market that are cost effective and relevant to the sports turf needs of New Zealand… Get insight to chemical and physical qualities of your turf/soil systems, water sources and plant tissue content with POGO lab analysis sampling by our independent lab. Helping you on your way to finding coffee moisture meters … All other stores in New Zealand are open under Level 1 restrictions. Our external … New Zealand Moisture Meters meets the needs of the following areas: Building, Agriculture, Geotechnical, Insurance & Flood Restoration, Flooring and Other Meters. Hydro Wet Pellets: 170gm pellets: 1 - 2 weeks: Helps cool the canopy temperatures of turf … The unit has an adjustable foot which allows you to determine moisture at the one inch, two inch, three inch or four inch depth without changing probes. The Gain Express Soil pH and Moisture Meter is at the top of the price range as far as moisture meters go, but it has several features that make it worth the buy. To use, insert the probe to a depth of 125mm into the soil and read the gauge. No Batteries are required. Grain moisture testers help you to make informed harvesting decisions that save you time and money! It is much cheaper than many of the other meters … For correct readings ensure the probe is kept clean. NZ Moisture meters is proudly New Zealand owned and operated by Rob McGregor. This excludes trade quotes, stock liquidations and commercial quantities. Well the weather is finally dry enough that we are again using our TDR 200 moisture meter on putting greens. Please enable JavaScript to enhance your experience on the Bunnings site. View all of our Moisture Meter products. Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI) advocate 9 readings in a 3 x 3 grid. We provide a variety of cheap moisture meter walls supplied by reliable sellers around the world. The Sonkir meter is the best soil moisture meter to take care of your plants. Meters … Same in-stock item available for same-day delivery or collection, including GST and delivery charges. Aquaflex soil moisture sensors are designed locally and have been installed for over 15 years commercially, giving a robust solution proven to work in New Zealand soils. Soil pH and Moisture Meter with Probe - ICZD06 Product code: ICZD06 The pH and Moisture Meter allows users to quickly and easily determine the levels of pH and moisture in their soil. This is straightforward and manageable and gives more information than a single measurement. With 20+ years of experience in the business, NZ Moisture Meters only source for the highest quality moisture meters, from the best brands. As any single reading is a volumetric moisture … This will insure you can determine the soil moisture … We harvest and roll your turf on the day of delivery/collection to minimize plant stress. Seeking the best soil moisture meters with good quality and affordable prices from DHgate NZ site. Avoid shopping in groups, Physical Distancing - Maintain 2m between yourself & others, Cashless Payment - Use cashless payment to minimise contact. 450mm x 2.2m (Appox 1 sq mtr) 20-25mm thick 15-20 kgs per roll (depending on moisture … Rob has over 20 years industry knowledge and he has previously worked within the building industry as a quantity surveyor, and within the agriculture industry, trading grain. See our product range. For more information Contact Us. Please enjoy browsing through our Moisture Meter … Click & Collect your purchase in-store or we'll deliver it to you. Once in the ground, the meter will measure moisture … Rob has over 20 years industry knowledge and he has previously worked within the building industry as a quantity surveyor, and within the agriculture industry, trading grain. Using our moisture meters, building surveyors and inspectors are then able to accurately and efficiently measure moisture... NZ Moisture Meters supply meters to the Agriculture Industry. Home and building inspectors rely on moisture meters to identify potential problems and damage to structures from moisture buildup. Know what salts are driving EC, what's optimal moisture/EC conditions for your particular zone(s), nutritional make up of your turf … Determines if plants need water and prevents over watering. The Aquaflex sensor uses a 3 meter long tape to measure the soil moisture … Using our moisture meters, agricultural advisors or farmers are then able to accurately and efficiently measure the moisture... NZ Moisture Meters supply meters to Geotechnical Industry. FieldScout TDR 350 Soil Moisture Meter Manage water responsibly and reduce operating expenses. When you find a competitor's lower price on the same stocked item, we'll beat it by15%. - pH range of … Agricultural Moisture Meters Get in Touch. Dimensions & Weight. NZ Moisture meters is proudly New Zealand owned and operated by Rob McGregor. We have detected that JavaScript has been disabled in your browser. CMEC Water Meters (Flanged) with Pulse Output – 40mm – 300mm $ 363.00 – $ 3,694.95 Select options Sensus iPerl AMR Electronic Water Meters – 15mm – 50mm Our systems are all field proven and easy to use. NZ Sports Turf Institute is an independent, world class … Choose from portable kits, as well as testers that are as accurate as your grain elevator! Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings to enhance your experience. If you are looking for a pH meter that monitors at a slightly larger range, consider the Gain Express Soil pH and Moisture Meter. Using our moisture meters, civil engineers are then able to accurately and efficiently use the moisture meters to establish... NZ Moisture Meters supply meters for Flood Restoration and Insurance. Our stores in Greater Auckland are now open under Level 2 restrictions. My Results. It assists you to check all details and keep a track on all the changes to your plants. It only has one prong, which is thicker and more durable than others. A plant watering and light chart is included. It is suitable for use in the garden, in pots, or in tubs. Using these meters, inspectors are able to then measure moisture levels in buildings and to diagnose the cause... New Zealand Moisture Meters is based in Christchurch, New Zealand and is the official home for a range of handheld Moisture Meters for professionals. esistance meters, and the odd capacitance meter, used to be the norm for detecting moisture, but on-site equipment has recently expanded to include more powerful capacitive/ dielectric constant and microwave type meters. Range 0-50% moisture content of soil … Always consult a gardening manual to determine the appropriate moisture level for all plants. The meter gauge will indicate whether the soil is dry, moist or wet. Hardware. Shop wherever you are, whenever you want. Visit our Shop Online page to learn more. This hydrometer can be used to test moisture levels in soil. Offering the proven time-domain measurement technology you have come to recognize for more than 30 years, the TDR 350 accurately measures soil moisture across the full range of soil … Moisture meters in the new turf will enable improved monitoring of the turf moisture levels and give staff greater insight into the surface's irrigation needs. Using this meter determines if plants need water and prevents over watering. Wildeye® works with most major manufacturers’ … We will gladly assist with returns and exchanges of this product in accordance with our returns and exchanges policy. Plan ahead - Research online & make a list, Shop Smart - Download our product finder app to minimise time spent in store. If you require more information on any or our products please click here to contact us. Find your grain moisture meter … A moisture meter is an essential instrument used in many industries to detect moisture content in materials. The meter gauge will indicate whether the soil is dry, moist or wet. We use a Spectrum Technologies’ FieldScout TDR 300 soil moisture meter with 7.5cm (3 inch) probes to target the depth that typically dries out first. A soil moisture and light meter checks the soil to ensure there is adequate lighting and moisture conditions. We stock the most sought after moisture meters, The perfect solution for your requirement. Insurance & Flood Restoration Moisture Meters. With its scientific data monitoring system, it …