God is looking for some people who will sign up to be in his army. “We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? At any time from 1945 until 1982, he was completely free to come out of the jungle. “Whatever is born of God overcomes the world. You’ve been transformed. But these steps are principles that reveal how God works with his people in every generation. The good news is because we’re followers of Christ, victory is already ours! Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? God has purposed victory for us in His Word. We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”. You can’t live the way you used to live because you’re not the person you used to be. 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. What is it? God has done something to make it possible for you to live in victory. Reckoning is not claiming a promise but acting upon a fact. Certain subjects are of perennial interest to thoughtful Christians. Destined for Victory is the broadcast ministry of Pastor Paul Sheppard. So step number one is Know! Then he pulled out his passport as if we were doubting his word. These 7 points spell VICTORY! A) The promise of God’s presence in your daily life. The people had lived in bondage so long they couldn’t quite believe the good news. It’s like watching a lion roar at the zoo. You were buried with him. He was born in Argentina but in his message he kept emphasizing his American citizenship. Look what’s happening in our world around us. It happens for you the moment you say “yes” to the Lord Jesus Christ. Have you been listening to gossip, slander, filthy talk and coarse humor? Certainly many Christians do come to a moment of decisive surrender to God. There are two facts about this yielding. The tyrant thought it was a big joke. Enter your email to subscribe to 3 Steps to Victory sermons: We've been in a three-week series called "Three Steps to Victory". You have to reckon, or consider or count that everything I just said actually is true. Make the decision: I will not be defeated in life, and I will not quit. The first week was "Stop Believing Lies". . True spirituality begins with a proper understanding of what God has done for you. Although you are dead to sin, sin is not dead to you. Step 2 comes in verse 11, “in the same way count yourselves.” I prefer the word used, in the King James version. Sign up to join over 20,000 subscribers receiving our weekly sermon email. Every time they ventured outside, they got scared and returned to their homes. Whenever a pastor deals with one of those subjects, he knows that most of the people will be right with him from the very beginning. In the new testament the word baptism, though it literally means to immerse, has a symbolic meaning. v. 8. Why? That is my subject in this message: How to walk in victory in the Christian life. Spiritual victory isn’t going to happen until you make it very personal. You’ve been changed; you’ve been transferred. If you want victory, you must know certain things. Your spiritual history begins at the cross of Jesus Christ. It means that when you deposit $1000, the bank credits your account with $1000. You’ll never know victory if you try to live in both worlds. Then ask and believe what God has said. Paul says, “We died to sin.” That’s a fact, not an experience. “The parts of your body.” What are the parts of your body? 7 Steps to Victory. It all begins with understanding what God did in your life the moment you trusted Christ. After all, the tyrant was not destroyed but only in prison. As we study Joshua 5-6, we discover five steps to a miracle. What steps are taken? You were crucified with Christ, you were buried with him, you were raised from the dead. Let’s talk about your eyes. You can’t go back any more. Your hands, fingers, eyes, ears, lips, legs, feet, toes, and all the rest. Citizen, Luis Palau.’ I’m a citizen of the United States of America. “I used to weigh 450 pounds until I started going to Jenny Craig. Sure. However, there is a problem with much current teaching of the victorious life. It means to credit money to a particular account. God did not save you to give you a better life. You’ve got to reckon yourself, you’ve got to count yourself, you’ve got to consider yourself transferred by God from one kingdom to another. He didn’t save you in order to renovate the old life that you messed up. Number one, it must be decisive. Sermons air each weekday and are available online through our podcast. It doesn’t mean freed from temptation to sin. You’ve been changed. Yes. The tyrant was in prison. Three Steps To Victory Step # 1: Know!. In his new series, 3 Steps to Victory, Pastor Robert shares a … That teaching–which also contains a core of truth–may turn you into a legalist, a rule keeper, a performance addict, and ultimately into an arrogant, proud person with perfectionist tendencies. There is a great hunger and a great desire among the people of God to find a way to live in victory. Mark 1:40 1. When you do that, you will know lasting and true spiritual victory. Stop Believing Lies. He was free. If they ever had enough courage to believe in their hearts what was actually true … their lives would reflect the freedom they already had. And we also see that there is victory to overcome these three enemies. That’s what it means to be dead to sin. Jesus said, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”. Life didn’t change much. Revelation 12:10-11 Topic: Encouragement The Bible teaches us that the three enemies of the believer are Satan, self or flesh, and the world. Yes, the man on the white horse had won the battle. I’m all for that. Steps to Victory. Are there any steps? Dead to sin doesn’t mean that you never sin again. We're talking about "Three Steps to Victory", and last week, "Stop Believing Lies". The first week was "Stop Believing Lies". Let me ask you a question. Now, what you're thinking is, well, I … You were living one life; now you’ve been given a brand-new life and transferred to a brand new realm. I was born in Argentina and once was a citizen of that country. Volume one would be called “What I was like before I knew Jesus Christ.” Volume two is “What my life is like since Christ came in.”. There's no doctrine to correct or conduct to fix. That’s the great defining spiritual truth. God did what he died for us in that “we too may live a new life.” (4) In the Greek that’s an interesting word. Here is the awesome truth: Satan and God are battling for you. We don’t have to earn it. ." All this truth, this head knowledge, how do you make it real on a day to day basis? This passage tells us that there are basically three steps to spiritual victory. In his new series, 3 Steps to Victory, Pastor Robert shares a message titled: Stop Believing Lies, where he talks about how we can have victory in our lives when we refuse to believe Satan's lies. Reckoning means to count on the fact that God has actually done what he said he would do. I’m a citizen of the United States of America.”. Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted. This is salvation by works. You may get a thrill from listening to the lion roar in his cage. He gave you a brand-new life and transferred you from the kingdom of Satan into the Kingdom of God. Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness. November 9, 2019. They do it for a reason. “I was born in Argentina but now I am an American citizen.” He said it three times. Matthew 7:7. Are those parts yielded to God or are you using them for evil? And most of us will have very crucial, deeply moving crisis experiences with God which lift us from one plateau to another. Never miss a sermon. Because if God’s got your body, he’s got you. The lion can roar all it wants but it can’t do anything to you unless you do something stupid like crawl into the cage. No, because he chose to stay in bondage, in hiding, in fear in the jungle. When I went before a judge in San Francisco, he said to me, ’Sir, do you renounce the government and the flag of Argentina?’ I said, ’Yes sir, I do.’ The man said, ’Do you swear allegiance and loyalty to the United States of America?’ I said, ’Yes sir, I do.’” Then Luis Palau said, “If I go back to Argentina, I don’t go back as a citizen. . What about the most intimate parts of your body? 2 Chronicles 20:1-41 It came to pass after this also, [that] the children of Moab, and the children of Ammon, and with them [other] beside the Ammonites, came against Jehoshaphat to battle.2 Then there came some that told Jehoshaphat, saying, There cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea on this side Syria; and, behold, they [be] in Hazazon-tamar, which [is] En-gedi. Help us to be specific, definite and decisive. Sermons.love Lord, some of us would like to talk about victory but we don’t want to talk about our hands, our feet, our lips, our eyes. *Vigilance. He could come out in 1950 or 1955 or 1969. Sin is like a roaring lion. I would imagine the people were excited and nervous as they waited to see what lay ahead. Number two, this yielding must be definite. So I think there’s truth to all these teachings, but we don’t want to go to extremes. I get scared when people say, “Pastor Ray, I’m beyond sin.” I just back off from people like that because they scare me to death. You can’t pretend that you are still a citizen of this world. 1. Verse 2 says “We died to sin” and verse 7 says “Anyone who has died is freed from sin.” To be dead to sin means to be freed from the ruining power of sin in your life. May we yield all to you. Because He rose from the dead, we know we will rise from the dead, and ultimately, our victory is certain. In place of “count” or “consider” I’ve used the old word “reckon.” But that might be misleading to some people. Because when the news came at the end of the war, he couldn’t believe that Japan had surrendered and the war was over. Step number three comes in light of number one and number two: Yield! That’s the first step. I go back as a visitor because I’m not a citizen of that country any more. If Satan can keep us ignorant, he can keep us impotent. So much of it tends to go to extremes. Because everywhere your body goes, you soon must follow. What does that mean spiritually? They were so fearful of the tyrant that even after the battle was over and victory declared, they still lived in abject fear. When you are baptized, you are publicly identified with Jesus Christ. But if you take that too far, it may turn you into an introspective and somewhat emotional Christian, who is dependent upon an emotional experience. Watch Christian Sermons Online (Sermons Archive) » Robert Morris » 3 Steps to Victory. I challenge you to check off those areas that need to be yielded to God. Were they free? But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. You were raised from the dead and therefore you are united with Jesus Christ. Let’s talk about your lips. But because he didn’t believe it–because he didn’t reckon the fact of his freedom to be true–he lived in self-imposed bondage in the jungle for 37 years. Have you used your lips this week for swearing, for anger, for bitterness? Steps to Victory. If you doubt whether that is a popular subject, I invite you to go to any Christian bookstore and see how many books and tapes there are for sale on the general subject of spiritual victory. . “Dead to sin but alive to God” is basically a summary of what he said in the first ten verses. When I baptize somebody, they symbolically portray the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It means that basically the whole story of your life is basically just two parts: BC and AD, Before Christ and After Deliverance. Was he free? Yesterday one of the members of our church said to me, “Pastor, we need more teaching in this church on spiritual warfare. For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace. You were born here. He wrote it to thank them for some things. No, because they did not believe it in their hearts. Was he free? It is an event that is so important that it has implications that begin before the universe was created and stretch out all the way to the end of time. Joshua has taken up the leadership mantle and God speaks to him. Satan would love to sign you up to serve in his evil empire. So terrible and so powerful was he that all the people cowered before him. It’s the impartation of the divine life of God–which means that you have something now that you never had before. You may say, “I don’t feel like I’ve got a new life.” It doesn’t matter what you feel on the inside. Steps to Victory. “Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. “If we have been united with him like this in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection.” (5) You now have the resurrection life of Jesus within. Behind that hunger is the reality that many believers live spiritually-defeated lives. Last Sunday Tiger Woods tied Jack Nicolas' record for … Like salvation, victory is a … It symbolizes what happens to you the moment you say yes to Jesus. “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.”. It’s like those ads you see for Jenny Craig. You’ll be his wherever you go and you will know spiritual victory. Although sin is a reality, it no longer has the power to dominate your life. ." That’s a fact, not an experience. He opened it up and said, “See, it says, ’U.S. When the victory was announced, a strange silence fell across the land. Step # 3: Yield!. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Romans 13:14. He was a cruel, vindictive task-master who abused everyone without exception. If you said three, from a historical point of view you’d be quite correct. He had been living in the jungle for 37 years, since the end of world war II. Victory Over Satan, Self And The World. It’s believing that what God has said he would do, he really did do, therefore it really is true, therefore you can depend upon it, therefore you can stake your life upon it, therefore it’s an actual fact. © 2021 Gateway Church. You may say, “I don’t feel like I was crucified with Christ.” Feelings have nothing to do with it. What about your hands? For instance, there’s the teaching that says you if want victory, all you need to do is understand that God has done it all. In putting the matter that way, I’m not suggesting that if we take these steps, God will work a miracle for us. You’ve got to know something, you’ve got to reckon something, you’ve got to yield something. You are separated forever from the dominating ruling power of sin. I want to make a comment before we jump into the text. “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Step # 2: Reckon!. The Greek word is a term from banking or accounting. No! ... 3 Steps to Victory. “Do not offer the parts of your body to sin as instruments of wickedness.” The word “instruments” really means “weapons.” Don’t offer your the parts of your body as weapons of wickedness but rather yield yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life and offer the parts of your body to God as weapons to righteousness. You can’t do that. REACH out to Him 2. If God’s got your body, he’s got you. How about your eyes? What about your feet? He was completely free on a theoretical basis. You’ll find books about three steps and four ways and five secrets and seven ideas and eight good things that you can do that will help you find spiritual victory. Romans 12:1 says, “I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices.” What are you to offer to God? God has no lips except your lips yielded to him. You’ve got to know something. God through his Holy Spirit is saying, “No, you’re my child. Then I signed up with Charles Atlas and now I’m a muscle man.” To reckon means to understand that your life has a before and an after. The war is over, Christ has won, but they refuse to believe it. If you don’t understand what God has done for you, steps two and three aren’t going to work in your life. They hated him fiercely but he was so powerful they could no nothing about it. We cannot have victory without it. Other teachers say, “You have to do it all.” Spiritual victory depends 100% on you. I will receive from God (Romans … But now I’m a citizen of the United States of America. There’s a war going on and our people have got to understand that.” I think she’s right. They continued in fearful slavery to the defeated tyrant because they did not reckon the victory to be true. It means “new of a different kind.” It does not mean new in the sense of better. It’s not like General MacArthur was coming in to get him. Paul says it negatively and positively: “Don’t yield!” and “Yield!” Don’t yield what? These verses are telling us that if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you were there that day. They are still in the jungle spiritually because they refuse to believe that Christ has set them free. Victory Is in the Air (28 of 41) by Jerry Watts. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get new sermons as they become available. The symbolic meaning is wrapped up in the word identification. The cross of Jesus Christ is an event that transcends time. Victory is something we all desire, whether it’s in our spiritual, physical, family, or professional lives. Pastor Robert shares a message titled “Stay in the Word” where he talks about how we can walk in victory by letting God’s Word reign in our lives. It means to live on the basis of the fact that God wasn’t kidding when he said he would do this, therefore he did it, and therefore you can count on it. If you know Jesus Christ, you’re not a citizen of this world any more. No, he saved you to give you a brand-new life of a completely different kind. If you want victory, you can have it. When you say yes to Jesus, you’re transferred from the kingdom of Satan to the kingdom of God. That’s why whenever we baptize, we always sing “I have decided to follow Jesus. Here's the third one. And I want you to think about why would a person, a believer, ever walk away from the Father, because we've all done it. We all go up and down emotionally. The message, “STEPS TO VICTORY,” was originally preached at Apostolic Faith Tabernacle on 1.26.20. From God’s point of view, he sees you as dead, buried and raised with the Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore united with him so tightly that you could never be separated. Home Sermons Victory Steps to Victory. Down South people use “reckon” to mean “maybe I will and maybe I won’t,” as in “I reckon I’ll come by and see you.” That means, “I suppose I’m coming, but I’m not sure.” There’s an element of conditionality in that use of the word “reckon.” But that meaning in English has nothing to do with the meaning in Greek. In this three-week series, Pastor Robert shares how we can achieve victory in our lives by not believing lies, staying in the Word, and going to church. Salvation is not reformation or renovation. RECOGNIZE Him 4. Here's the third one. Robert Morris - Start Going To Church. He challenged the tyrant to do battle with him. You cannot do that and be successful and happy in the Christian life. 15:57.