All employee fraud stems from three conditions, each or which is present in every case. 36.5% of shrink is external, due to shoplifting and ORC, outpacing shrink caused by employee theft, vendor fraud and administrative errors. (Publisher’s Note: This article won a Charlie Award for “Best Feature – Trade/Technical” from the Florida Magazine Association in 2013.) According to the Jack L. Hayes International 30th Annual Retail Theft Survey, more than 432,000 shoplifters and dishonest employees were apprehended in 2017 by 21 major retailers. Employee Theft Statistics Infographic Published on January 14, 2019 March 4, 2019 by Infographics Guy While office theft by employees has been a problem since the invention of the office, it seems during times of economic uncertainty office theft rises substantially. Emphasize that your interest in preventing employee theft is in the best interest of all staff members. {{cta(‘3d9e4756-c0b2-47db-a475-c3b4df2e7f43’)}} For most employers in the US, fraud by employees remains a major issue. Are you tired of living a double-life at work, feeling on edge every time the boss calls your name, wondering if today is the day your world collapses? Using legitimate credentials, hackers can operate undetected inside a system for quite some time. Reports collated by Statistic Brain indicate that more than 28 percent of business losses ranged from $100,000 to $499,000, and 25 percent of losses exceeded $1 million. Employee Theft Checklist 75 percent of employees admit to stealing from their employer at least once, and 38 percent say they have stolen twice or more. Preventing employee theft in the workplace should be a top priority for businesses. The statistics of internal employee fraud According to FBI statistics, three-fourths of workers commit employee theft, also known as shrinkage. This statistic shows the median loss through employee theft in the United States in 2016, based on the company size. What is Employee Theft? Types of Employee Theft and Office Theft Statistics. On the other hand, the Hayes survey found the amount recovered from nabbed employees at the companies surveyed - more than $50 million - was significantly less than the total recovered from shoplifters caught in the act - $138 million. Other Retail Theft Statistics. ACTORS SALARIES Ever wonder how much a certain actor got paid for a film? This statistic shows the average cost per incidence of employee theft in retail businesses in the United Kingdom from 2007/08 to 2014/15. 1 The term employer’s assets are important because it implies that employee theft involves more than just cash. A whopping 75 percent of employees have … Self-Checkout Usage Statistics. Businesses lose 5% of their annual revenue to employee fraud and up to 30% of business failures are the direct result of employee fraud and abuse. Register disbursements: An employee makes false entries on a cash register to conceal the theft of cash. In 2015, employees who stole took an average of $175,000 from businesses of all sizes - a loss many small … Preventing employee theft in the workplace. Welcome to Employee Theft Solutions. With employee fraud on the rise, revenue loss is higher than ever as a result of these crimes. Any … Employee theft is comes in many forms and degrees—and we often rationalize it—but none of it leads to a positive outcome. (Source: NRF Survey) US grocery stores allocate only 0.36% of sales to reducing shrinkage. Here are jaw-dropping statistics about employee fraud found by Static Brain in 2015: Employee Theft Statistics: Amount stolen annually from U.S. businesses by employees – $50 billion; Percent of annual revenues lost to theft or fraud – 7% With the trend towards a gig economy, people are less likely to stay at a job long-term – making hiring and retaining quality staff a major challenge for HR departments. Theft is an issue for many small businesses, but nowhere is the problem worse than at restaurants. Home » Employee Onboarding » 7 Shocking Employee Onboarding Statistics.