Washington, D.C.: Colorado Mining Industrial Development Board, October 1963. ———. 2 • 482 community water systems use groundwater for 398,600 people. CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1982. The Final Decision requires groundwater monitoring at the Facility. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Division of Minerals and Geology, Department of Natural Resources, 2003. Repplier, Frank N., F. C. Healy, Donna Bishop Collins, and P. A. Longmire. Weeks, John B., and Frank A. Welder. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1986. Kirkham, Robert M., Jonathan M. Zook, and Matthew A. Sares. Bulletin. MID 006014906)". Title: Groundwater for Colorado: Water Levels Sufficient water for a single household may be relatively easily obtained from wells in the bedrock aquifers, even the crystalline Precambrian rocks of the mountains. Information Series. “OF-16-04 Geology and Groundwater Resources of Chaffee County, Colorado.” Geology and Groundwater. “Bulletin 26 – Preliminary Report on the Underground Waters of a Part of Southeastern Colorado.” Hydrogeology. As groundwater is increasingly developed in the Lower Colorado River Basin, information on effects are needed for assessment of water availability. Kirkham, Robert M., Susan H. Cannon, William P. Rogers, Bruce K. Stover, and Randall K. Streufert. Get directions, reviews and information for Ground Water Development Inc in Montrose, CO. Click to hide state-specific text. An aquifer is a groundwater reservoir composed of geologic units that are saturated with water and sufficiently permeable to yield water in a usable quantity to wells and springs. Open File Reports. Designated Ground Water Basins Created by the 1965 Ground Water Management Act: 37-90-101 through 37-90-135 C.R.S. Open File Reports. Return to National Page * References to non-Department of the Interior (DOI) products do not constitute an endorsement by the DOI. Special Publication. Sand and gravel deposits, sandstone, limestone, and fractured crystalline rocks are examples of geologic units that form aquifers. Open File Reports. Station Number Station name Date/Time Depth to water level, feet below LSD Alamosa County: 374012105410401: NA04001232BAA RG42 : 03/08 15:00 MST Warning: Javascript must be enabled to use all the features on this page! Eakins, Wynn. Making a difference in our projects, our offices, and our communities. ON-010 Colorado Groundwater Atlas, January 8, 2020. Golden, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, 2015. U.S. Geological Survey The county seat is Montague. We find the water and drill the wells. COMMUNITY. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Division of Minerals and Geology, Department of Natural Resources, 2004. Scott, Larry. The recently published ON-010 Colorado Groundwater Atlas has detailed information about every aspect of groundwater across the state. 3 • 138 non-community, non-transient water systems use groundwater for 35,900 people. • Demonstrate that the groundwater collection system halts any unacceptable discharge of Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Division of Minerals and Geology, Department of Natural Resources, 1993. Section 9.2 presents a market-based approach to estimating damages resulting from loss of groundwater use services. Scroll list of sites -- allows selection of data for multiple sites, Brief descriptions -- allows selection of data for multiple sites, Save file of selected sites to local disk for future upload. URL: https://nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov/co/nwis/gwlevels? t/ (+1) 303-384-2655. Open File Report. Information Series. Hofstra, Warren E. “Bulletin 36 – Geologic Control of Supply and Quality of Water Mountainous Part of Jefferson County, Colorado.” Groundwater. Weeks, Herbert W. “Bulletin 28 – Oil and Water Possibilities of Parts of Delta and Mesa Counties, Colorado.” Oil and Water. “SP-18 Groundwater Heat Pumps in Colorado: An Efficient and Cost-Effective Way to Heat and Cool Your Home.” Geothermal Resources. Barkmann, Peter E., Erinn P. Johnson, Lesley A. Sebol, and F. Scot Fitzgerald.