Learn four ways fasting helps with spiritual growth along with tips to get started. Shop Now, Follow the Guideposts special series, Overcoming Addiction Visit Now, Refraining from eating and drinking is an act of worship that is good for your soul, Many of us think of fasting as a spiritual duty to God, depriving ourselves of food and drink for a period of time in order to prove our love for Him. Your email address will not be published. One of the major benefits of fasting is that it trains believers to be patient. Fasting is an uncommon spiritual discipline, yet it has many benefits! It helps you to grow closer to God and is often a regular part of prayer life. 1. There is always so much great information and great presentation. When we fast, we exchange what we need to survive for what we need to live—more of God. This is getting added to my collection. Fasting is a practice that has been associated with a wide array of potential health benefits, including weight loss, as well as improved blood … To this day, the eating patterns continues to reveal benefits to physical, mental, and spiritual health. We can start out by simply fasting a meal and work our way to fasting an entire day. First of all, the observance of the Muslim fasting involves the obedience to Allah. Fasting is one of the most historically used healing strategies and integrated in numerous religions. Along with other spiritual practices if you are practicing fasting it will definitely have a positive impact in our spiritual … By fasting, we meditate cleanses the soul and makes it new so we can receive the Holy Spirit and become empowered to live for Christ in a new way. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "kfox1973-20"; Fasting has a long and celebrated history in Christianity, practiced and sanctioned explicitly by our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5.22-23 NIV). These periods can be aligned to a person’s lifestyle, dietary requirements or health conditions . In this lead post, I'm focussing on understanding the nature of fasting and how it relates to spiritual growth. We feast to celebrate. Often, fasting will reveal to us what I like to call placeholders. 2) A new desire for God. When we take food out, we fill it with the Bible. This is because the rich does not feel Fasting and prayer will deepen our relationship with God and when we willingly give up... 2 – Answers to Fervent Prayer. Instead, fasting provides unique spiritual benefits in the life of the believer. During spiritual fasting, the believer's focus is removed from the physical … If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy. Let’s take a look at the spiritual benefits of fasting and prayer, and how they can help you stay “in the zone” with God. Metabolism increases more with frequent fasting. Fasting can bring actual changes to your body, removing both physical and spiritual toxins and impurities. You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water” (Psalm 63.1). Fasting is an uncommon spiritual discipline, yet it has many benefits! Have you tried any other spiritual fasting plans? Strengthen Your Faith with Free ebooks on Prayer, Bible Study and More. The Wisdom behind Fasting When Imam Sadiq was asked about the wisdom behind fasting, he replied: “God made fasting compulsory so that the poor and the rich would be the same. We fast to transform. We’ll be celebrating the whole time! As we read the Bible, the reigning Spirit of God within us will teach, grow and transform us and the world around us. Aspasia - Openhand Community Coordinator While observing the fast, believers undergo a period of training, because they do not eat when they feel hunger, do not drink when they feel thirst, and patiently say, “I am fasting,” when somebody upsets them. The New Testament prophetess Anna is praised in the book of Luke for being a devoted servant to God and His temple. She married her high school sweetheart, and together they raise their three children in a Christ-centered home. Fasting shows God that our hunger for Him surpassed our hunger for anything else. Here are five spiritual benefits to fasting: 1) A soul cleansing. Spiritual Objectives of Islamic Fasting: Fasting is usually combined with additional prayer, mediation, reading and translating the Holy Quran and this combination helps in: 1. Fasting … As per Matthew 9:15, “The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast.”, which indicates that Jesus wants it followers to fast. People have been fasting since ancient times for religious, spiritual or health reasons. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Fasting not only gives spiritual benefits but physical ones as well: Fasting cleanses the body from built-up chemicals, metals, and other toxins. You're awesome for doing it! The eating patterns continues to spark interest in the modern world, even revealing benefits to physical, mental, and spiritual health. When we fast, we exchange what we need to survive for what we need to live—more of God. Fasting out of simple obedience to God is great. While long-suffering is a part of being human and certainly a part of being Christian, fasting should not be included when we think about “suffering for Christ.”. As per Matthew 9:15, “The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast.”, which indicates that Jesus wants it followers to fast.It shows that fasting has the ability to starve sin. Welcome! In the same vein, since we are not consumed by what we are going to eat next and when, we have more energy to devote to God. According to research, fasting does have many health benefits, such as weight loss, reduced cholesterol as well as it helps to lower blood pressure. These spiritual dimensions of fasting help to break the modern tendency to see the results in purely physical terms. Elijah of the CFR’s to record a series on the physical and spiritual benefits of fasting. However, we don’t need to live amongst a foreign community to reap the benefits of fasting. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning’” (Joel 2.12 NLT). She has been in two reality tv shows, fought and won an MMA Cage fight, and won first place in bodybuilding--physique division. The benefits of burning this stored fat are obvious to anyone who is concerned with weight loss, but the benefits of fasting go far beyond that. Give me your hearts. Spiritual fasting is to deny your body it’s physical needs (usually food) so that moves your focus from the physical to the spiritual (faith). If you eat a lot of junk food, there is a chance that you may not feel your best. Fasting Can Help You Cleanse Your Soul. Fasting, must be combined with prayer, otherwise fasting will become a health-conscious activity to reduce weight loss etc. Degree in English and her M.S. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Degree in Applied English Linguistics. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Today we will discuss the spiritual benefit of fasting. Read More…. We tend to forget how blessed we are. More food, more clothes, more television, more trips. True bone broth provides collagen protein, gelatin, proline, glycine, chondroitin sulfate, glycosamino glycans, hyaluronic acid which all help to heal the gut and improve joint strength and integrity. Even though it is true that fasting provides a litany of physical benefits, as long as you do it safely, there are spiritual benefits as well. Fasting Leads to Greater Intimacy We deny our carnal nature in order to fulfill the desires of God. So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh” (Galatians 5.16 NIV). Fasting is one of the most ancient healing strategies and has extensive history throughout various religions. One study found that fasting can increase metabolism by up to 14%. Beliefnet Alisa has earned her B.A. We also have to explore the spiritual and social benefits of this act of worship in order to appreciate its value. Instead, fasting provides unique spiritual benefits in the life of the believer. When you fast, your cells, tissues, and organs dump out the accumulated waste products of cellular metabolism as well as chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, and solvents. Fasting decreases food related inflammation : Overconsumption of certain foods, like refined sugar, carbs, dairy and meat, can cause inflammation in the body. (and reduce the time spent during the rest of the week!) When you finish your fast, renewed, full of energy, detoxed, with a new desire, a new praise and a sensitivity to God’s voice, you’ll find that the absence of food was small in comparison to what you gained. You may be praying for self-control or self-discipline in a certain area of your life and soon after your time of fasting, you may begin to notice the victory in … When we take God’s blessings for granted, we take Him for granted. The Spiritual And Mental Benefits Of Fasting . 3) A deeper praise. When you allow for this break, your soul is also cleansed. She writes both fiction and nonfiction books. It can actually be a difficult trial to endure, but God’s grace rises up in our lives during hard times. “We feast to celebrate. Lot of impressions come into surface for which one has to be stable and be aware, which is possible in fasting. Spiritual and Social Benefits of Fasting Fasting is usually combined with additional prayers other than normal we perform in daily routine, meditation, reciting the Holy Quran. One of the first spiritual benefits of fasting is that this can help you cleanse your soul. Drink plenty of water 3. Recently, a team member from HVMN.com ( pronounced human ) contacted me after she found my article on how I healed my depression . It’s a remarkable experience. “Fasting is a good safeguard for the soul, a steadfast companion for the body, a weapon for the valiant, and a gymnasium for athletes,” St. According to century-old practices, science, and HVMN.com, the answer is YES! I'm LeeAnn and I am passionate (or obsessed lol) with helping Christian bloggers flood the Internet with more Jesus! In the simplest use of the term, fasting is abstaining from all food. 1. 10 Benefits of Fasting and Prayer 1 – Deeper Intimacy with God. Believe it or not, the less you eat the longer you will live. Closeness to and consciousness of Allah. Often, you’ll find physical benefits as well, such as decreased anxiety and possible weight loss. Spiritual Benefits of Water Fasting Types of Fasting. Food is one of the basic needs of life. Therefore, when you fast, you should: Understand the spiritual purpose and benefits of your fast. spiritual benefits of fasting Teach the worth of blessings Allah the Almighty has decorated the Earth with various blessings and has given them all to humanity. This post may contain affiliate links. When we are at a crossroads and don’t know which way to turn, fasting helps us to hear God’s direction. There are some spirits, like the spirit of lack and the spirit of chaos, waging war on our promises, and we have to fast for added power to defeat them. It’s the absence of something, not a food or technique we have to buy. Although fasting has many spiritual benefits, you are advised not to fast if you have medical conditions or are above a certain age (65 years is usually recommended). It draws you closer to God, gives perspective, and boosts your health. Because the body does not have to do the work of digestion, it has more energy to focus on other things. Fasting, especially intermittent fasting, is for health, religious and spiritual reasons. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Here are five spiritual benefits to fasting: 1) A soul cleansing. It is used in healthcare, both in ancient times and in modern times, for physical and for mental health. Another one of the benefits of fasting is that it promotes we take our attention inward, that we listen, become quiet. #fasting #prayer, Fasting forces the flesh to go under the authority of God’s Spirit in us. Kingdom Bloggers is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associate Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Spiritual fasting is to deny your body it’s physical needs (usually food) so that moves your focus from the physical to the spiritual (faith). Because she regularly fasted and prayed, she was able to hear the voice of God speak clearly to her the day that Baby Jesus was brought into her temple to be dedicated. The Wisdom behind Fasting When Imam Sadiq was asked about the wisdom behind fasting, he replied: “God made fasting compulsory so that the poor and the rich would be the same. Since the spiritual world usurps the physical world, these benefits shape our life and the world around us. Spiritual and Social Benefits of Fasting Fasting is usually combined with additional prayers other than normal we perform in daily routine, meditation, reciting the Holy Quran. 4. I’ve felt pretty deficient in learning about it. How to Incorporate Fasting Into Your Spiritual Life Before you begin, make sure fasting is right for you – physically, spiritually, mentally. When we are effectively fasting, we are letting God have all the room. Hi Lizzy, if you’re a big caffeine/coffee nut, that’s not small at all! What are the benefits of fasting and can a lack of food actually help you instead of turning you into the hanger monster? Four Spiritual Benefits … It was an answered prayer to be the first ever layperson invited as a guest of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal on Ascension Presents.Reform Wellness founder Jackie joined Fr Mark Mary and Br. #fasting #prayer, 31 Encouraging Mother’s Day Scripture to Celebrate Moms, 102 Life-Changing Benefits of Going to Church Regularly. In Mark 9:14-29 , Jesus explains that we need to be continually in prayer and fasting in order to be “in the zone” with him and be able to … James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” Fasting is one of the ways that we can draw near to God. This is the perfect atmosphere for heaven to touch the earth and transform our circumstances of lack, chaos, and fear into God’s ordained circumstances of supply, peace, and faith. Physical food never fully satisfies; in a few hours, you’ll need to eat again. In part, it comes down to the nature of discipline: short term pain/discomfort for long term benefits. The spiritual benefits of fasting are also numerous. In all Spiritual practices fasting is a must due to the benefit that it enhances our mental faculties, and it will change our consciousness very much. You will also find content on all aspects of faith and Christian living, written by our amazing contributing writers. Spiritual Benefits of Fasting: According to Bible, Fasting and praying go hand in hand. Thank you for offering information on fasting. Elijah of the CFR’s to record a series on the physical and spiritual benefits of fasting. When one is aware, it becomes easy to cleanse or erase … The Quran says: O you who believe! When we fast, we force our hearts to turn to God and our appreciation for God’s presence in our lives will grow. I really love what you said about how fasting creates an environment for miracles. But God wants our hearts to be turned toward Him. Fasting gives birth to prophets and strengthens the powerful; fasting makes lawgivers wise. But he said to them, ‘I have food to eat that you know nothing about’” (John 4.32 NIV). Jesus said there are some breakthroughs that are only gotten through prayer and fasting. And then we move on to some ideas I want to share about what I believe are the main spiritual benefits of fasting: 1. Our starved spirit feasts on God’s Word, supplying itself with much-needed sustenance and nutrients it desperately needs. Our diet is not dependent on weather, season or location. When we fast, it forces us to seek God and lean into Him for help and comfort. Though an introvert by nature, Alisa easily expresses herself through social media, especially on her blog. You could feel slow, tired, and dragged down. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. Our bodies were designed to experience both feast and famine. It helps you to grow closer to God and is often a regular part of prayer life. Now, let’s talk about the five spiritual benefits you can get from fasting. If you have thought about fasting recently, you have probably thought about the physical benefits this could provide. amzn_assoc_linkid = "5dd56242dee44e5f4606e5ae367a0534"; In addition to the scientifically proven health benefits of fasting, the act of simply noticing what it feels like to be hungry, then sitting with that sensation and ultimately making peace with it is one of the most powerful spiritual practices I know of. What is Fasting? k. Fasting teaches patience. During spiritual fasting, the believer's focus is removed from the physical things of this world and intensely concentrated on God. These are like substit… Fasting is key to our relationship with the Lord and so rarely practiced. Fasting is a faith-move, an expectation we have that God will fill us with His Holy Spirit, just as He promised. Spiritual benefits of fasting in Islam. Here are the nine spiritual benefits of the Daniel fast that will help improve your relationship with yourself, others, and God. When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. All throughout history, there were seasons of feast and famine. God meets us powerfully during times we are desperate for Him. The church sacraments for example, such as Baptism, Myron (Chrism), Holy Communion and Priesthood have to be preceded by fasting. This is the best time to make those difficult choices in life. By closing this banner or continuing to browse this website, you agree to the use of cookies. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Matthew 6-16-18 NIV). Spiritual benefits of spiritual fasting are often similar to those of regular dietary fasting. Here are four spiritual benefits fasting can bring. Therefore, there are several “types” of fasting: in clinics, special hotels, monasteries, and also at home. Many times, we keep our flesh well-fed, as our spirit wastes away. We must decide on the kinds and amounts of food that are appropriate for a healthy lifestyle. Help spread the word. There are many spiritual and mental health benefits to fasting! We fast to transform.” I love this quote! Afterward, when Jesus was alone in the house with his disciples, they asked him, ‘Why couldn’t we cast out that evil spirit?’ Jesus replied, ‘This kind can be cast out only by prayer’” (Mark 9.28-29 NLT). When we fast, all of the things in our life we put before God are revealed. What actually does, is to create the environment or to “set the stage” in which healing can occur. All throughout history, there … We also have to explore the spiritual and social benefits of this act of worship in order to appreciate its value. When we feel irritable, we can grow our capacity under stress and choose to show goodness, gentleness, and self-control instead. Do feel free to ask questions and share. When we fast food from our bodies, we open the way for our spirit to consume God’s Word like never before. Fasting quiets your inner “self.” This is the main thing we are called to do as Christians—deny ourselves and focus on God and others. Salam. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. Whenever we take something out of our life, we must fill it with something else. Allah gives people huge advantage for body and soul as the rewards for fasting. When we realize we need God more than we need food, we can start to understand what the Psalmist meant when he wrote, “Like the deer that pants after water, my soul longs for You.” God, the sustainer of all life, wants nothing more than a closer connection with us, and through fasting we can quench that new desire for more of Him in our lives. Spiritual fasting is something you can practice for general wellness and health, or for a particular goal. Fasting helps in emotional cleansing. Fasting is one of the most ancient healing strategies and … Fasting Promotes Longevity. Fasting has amazing benefits. Spiritual Benefits of Fasting 1. It begins with an increase in intimacy with Him. We are both flesh and spirit. Jesus answered, It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’” (Matthew 4.4 NIV). Fasting is a Tool for Spiritual Enlightenment. Find all of our books, bibles, greeting cards and special offers in our store. The prayer that is powered by both faith and fasting can be the very thing that unleashes God’s promises in our lives. However, today in western culture, we have 365 days of abundance. Like Anna, when God speaks to us in the midst of chaos, we’ll still be able to pick out His voice and know what He wants us to do because we have trained our ear to hear Him through fasting, prayer, study and praise. Whatever it is, we can forget how much God has given us, and our unquenchable desires become stronger than our love for God. The benefits are not only spiritual growth, but increased focus on the things of God, greater awareness of His purpose for your life, and more peace in your heart. The body and soul naturally went through times of hard work and lack and times of ease and abundance. A spiritual fast will remind you of the connection between the vessel of your body and your soul. And it doesn’t cost a dime. Spiritual Benefits of Fasting: The History of Fasting Fasting is truly a fascinating act that has been used by humans for an array of purposes for thousands of years. Their livelihood comes from the Heavens through the trees, each of which gives a different fruit in a different season of the year and the Earth nurtures them with every sort of exquisite supplies. I have recently chosen to explore the spiritual benefits of fasting from social media on Sundays. Another of the many benefits of fasting and prayer is receiving personal victories in your own life. Fasting is both a health and spiritual powerhouse. Physical hunger is not a pleasant experience. When Christ’s disciples noticed that He hadn’t eaten all day and tried to get Him to slow down to eat, Christ said, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about….My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work.”. Moses fasted for 40 days and experienced the finger of God writing down the Ten Commandments (Exodus 34.28). If you have a condition or are already above the recommended age for fasting, see both your medical and spiritual advisors for the next steps to take. Dry fasting: People in dry fasting abstain from all foods and drinks including water for a certain... Water Fasting in Various Religions. If we have been facing the same unanswered prayer for a long time, it may be time to fast. When we fast, we force our hearts to turn to God and our appreciation for God’s presence in our lives will grow. Without the toxins we put in our bodies, we not only give our bodies a break from the digestive process, but we also allow our spirits to be detoxed. There are many spiritual and mental health benefits to fasting! But even with a healthy standard for eating, we most likely won’t experience famine without choosing it. And let's not forget the powerful effects of fasting on our spiritual connection. His Spirit becomes powerful and mighty in our words and actions. He wants us to appreciate all that He has done in our lives. That Christian fasting is rewarding is plain, in the words of Christ himself, in a very prominent place. This website uses cookies to personalize content and ads and to analyze traffic. Some people find it to be a useful way to overcome tests of faith, cope with difficult life situations or reconnect with nature. Fasting is not about what we're giving up its what were making room for. Although this article is about the spiritual benefits of fasting, I wanted to highlight 5 of the physical benefits since our flesh is so strongly entwined with our spirit. amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks for Prayer and Fasting"; Generally, fasting helps people eat less meals because of the small eating window. I look forward to adding some type of fasting from food. Jesus fasted for 40 days and started a ministry that would forgive the world’s sins and reconcile all the earth back to God (1 Peter 3.18 & Colossians 1.20). amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; While we’re experiencing a new desire for Him through fasting, we should also emit a deeper praise as we think about everything God is to us and all He has done. Health Benefits Of Spiritual Fasting Fasting itself isn’t necessarily a “cure” for any disease. And that quiet quality time, you with you, will also allow, if you are willing, a greater sense of … It was an answered prayer to be the first ever layperson invited as a guest of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal on Ascension Presents.Reform Wellness founder Jackie joined Fr Mark Mary and Br. Although we are not expected to fast 40 days, we can begin a lifestyle of fasting in order to transform our life and the world around us. Some of these benefits may come during the time of the fast itself, but in my experience many will come later as a result of the fast. We have emptied ourselves of our most basic need so we can put our full attention on God. While the spiritual blessings of fasting are numerous, here are 7 spiritual benefits of fasting that you can expect. Healthy or unhealthy – regarding fasting, there are several points of view. On the contrary, fasting is less about what we’re giving up and much more about what we’re making room for. amzn_assoc_asins = "0764218395,1629986461,0768424100,0446694983"; Alisa of Alisa Hope Wagner is an award-winning author of multiple books. So encouraging! Most times people forget their spiritual roots and one way to find this connection is through fasting. We can have Chinese food at midnight if we so desire. As we walk in the Spirit, we won’t be hung up by the desires of our flesh trying to hold us down and keep us off course. Here are several spiritual benefits of fasting to your soul, body and mind. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; If you've considered fasting, I'm sure you would love to know more about the benefits it offers and the ways God works in your life through the fast. Therefore we find that most of the spiritual occasions are preceded by fasting. Fasting then is not of benefit only to fight against the negatives but it also benefits positively in strengthening the spirit. It draws you closer to God, gives perspective, and boosts your health. Marilyn Hickey: The combination of fasting and praying is not a fad or a novelty approach to spiritual discipline. Sometimes we do not see the results we are seeking in our regular prayers. Fasting requires self-control and discipline , as one denies the natural desires of the flesh. Fasting promotes weight loss: Fasting creates a caloric deficit, which aids in losing those extra pounds gathered from too much feasting. They are not the means to manipulate a situation or to create a circumstance. Spiritual Benefits of Fasting: According to Bible, Fasting and praying go hand in hand. Learn how your comment data is processed. Drawing Near to God. Fasting is a great time to remember the spiritual connection we have to our physical bodies. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus exhorts us to fast in secret, not for show, with the promise that “your Father who sees in secret will reward you” (Matthew 6:18). The spiritual benefits of fasting are all throughout the Bible. Fasting is a good safeguard for the soul, a steadfast companion for the body, a weapon for the valiant, and a gymnasium for athletes. Stay busy 2. “Fasting repels temptations.…In war, it fights bravely, in peace it teaches stillness.” And it’s this stillness where we can find the clarity we so desperately crave. What He wills for our lives can be found through fasting and prayer. Fasting requires self-control and discipline, as one denies the natural desires of the flesh. The Spiritual Benefits of Fasting. 10. We can eat all kinds of foods anytime we want. Observing As- Sawm (the fast) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you,… Top Christian Affiliate Programs for Christian Bloggers, Free Printable Monthly Bible Reading Plans, Free Bible Study Printables and Worksheets, Spiritual Fasting causes us to Rely on God, Spiritual Fasting Helps us be Filled with the Fruits of the Spirit, Spiritual Fasting Opens our Heart to Hearing God’s Voice, Spiritual Fasting Renews our Appreciation for God and His Blessings, Spiritual Fasting Gives Power to our Prayers, Spiritual Fasting Creates an Environment for Miracles, Spiritual Fasting helps us to Consume God’s Word, « Praying for a Rebellious Teenager: 15 Teenage Prayer Ideas, Digital Discipleship: Creative Ways to Witness to Unbelievers Online ». But as Christ told His disciples, “[N]o one pours new wine into old wineskins. Water fasting is one of the historically used method of purification and... Benefits of Water Fasting. Be sure to follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. Fasting not only gives spiritual benefits but physical ones as well: Fasting cleanses the body from built-up chemicals, metals, and other toxins.