Tell us your role for customized content. Nearly 28 million Americans obtain their pharmacy benefit coverage through Express Scripts’ National formularies. Costs for covered alternatives may vary. As a result of this update, 98.7% of members will not experience any changes. 0000016199 00000 n 0000004945 00000 n This formulary was updated on 3/1/2021. Formulary ID Number: 21048, v9 . Go to for a full list of formulary exclusions with their covered alternatives or log on to compare drug prices. For more recent information or to price a medication, you THIS DOCUMENT LIST IS EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2021 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2021. For more recent information or other questions, please contact . These excluded medications do not apply to Medicare plans. 0000001502 00000 n This formulary was updated on 3/1/2021. current members drug or Medco Containment Life current more recent toge fromyour 1.800.268.5707 (TTY:1.800.716.3231 c CustomerService Express Scripts Medicare (PDP) 2021 Formulary PLEASE READ: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION ABOUT SOME OF RUGS COVERED BY THIS PLAN FormularyID Number: 21047, v6 This formulary was updated on 08/25/2020. For more recent information or other questions, please contact . The National Preferred Formulary provides exceptional value for plan sponsors wishing to maximize member choice and access to clinical therapies. This formulary was updated on 08/24/2020. Our partnership with thousands of plan sponsors enables us to use our collective scale to negotiate deeper discounts on the medications our members need. An independent panel of clinical experts that focuses first on clinical factors guides our unique approach to drug formulary management. 0000003718 00000 n You may use any network pharmacy in your plan, but you will typically pay less when you use a preferred retail pharmacy or preferred home delivery from Express Scripts Pharmacy ®. For more recent information or to price a medication, you can visit us on the Web at Express Scripts Medicare plans typically cover the drugs listed in the formulary, as long as: The drug is medically necessary; The prescription is filled at one of our network pharmacies; Any special drug coverage rules are followed, as required; Some types of drugs are not covered by Medicare Part D, such as drugs for weight loss or cosmetic purposes. Express Scripts is the country’s largest pharmacy benefit manager and one of the largest pharmacies. For more recent information or to price a medication, you can visit us on the Web at Anyone with a clinical need for a medication that is not on our formulary has a clear pathway to have that drug covered by requesting an exception. The National Preferred Formulary offers plan sponsors an affordable way to maintain benefits. 0000022824 00000 n Express Scripts Medicare (PDP) 2021 Formulary (List of Covered Drugs) PLEASE READ: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION ABOUT THE DRUGS WE COVER IN THIS PLAN . While these teams are normally dedicated to one client or one therapy class, in these extraordinary times, we’ve called on them to help ease the transition for members. Unique Patient Identifier: Finding Undetected Serious Drug Interactions, New Weight Management Tools Help Win the Battle Against Chronic Obesity, Uncovering Prescription Drug Fraud, Waste, and Abuse during COVID-19, we are making changes to the NPF effective January 1, 2021, 45 single-source brands (products with therapeutic alternatives available on the formulary), 25 multi-source brands (products that have lower-cost generic equivalents with the same active ingredient). Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. The list is not all-inclusive and does not guarantee coverage. Express Scripts Medicare will generally cover the drugs listed in our formulary as long as the drug is medically necessary, the prescription is filled at an Express Scripts Medicare network pharmacy, and other plan rules are followed. Express Scripts Medicare (PDP) 2021 Formulary PLEASE READ: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION ABOUT SOME OF RUGS COVERED BY THIS PLAN Formulary ID Number: 21047, v6 This formulary was updated on 08/24/2020. The formulary is a list of prescription drugs that is approved for coverage under Express Scripts Medicare. 2021 Express Scripts Basic Formulary List The 2021 Basic Formulary drug list is shown below. To further drive urgently needed savings for plan sponsors while protecting choice and access to prescription drugs, we will remove 70 products from the NPF: This formulary adjustment will drive additional value in some of the nation’s highest spend categories, including inflammatory conditions, diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and asthma and other pulmonary conditions. These prescription drug formularies preserve member choice by providing access to clinically effective – and cost-effective – generic and brand name drugs. What is the Express Scripts Medicare Formulary? ����}������*�Mm���{��B�&+��Faa� _F�h�j:Av�.��b"�^i�f/QF���s%[:�s�"��Ӧ��?���Nk\��/zk�����MW���"��*�ҳ���c�"k?A_XC����1�}O+WbO��5G� ������C��++���W��|��ժ$%?.n2�D���DA��#�ߕ�� K�X��RJAu9 endstream endobj 27 0 obj<. Sign-up for our free Medicare Part D Newsletter, Use the Online Calculators, FAQs or contact us through our Helpdesk -- Powered by Q1Group LLC Be sure to select the one that applies to your plan option. THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Learn how to enable JavaScript in your browser. coveredby Express Scripts Medicare, please contact Our contact information appears on the front andback If there are additional changes made to the formulary that affect you and are not mentioned above, you will be notified in writing of these changes within a reasonable periodof time 0000021464 00000 n © 2021 Evernorth Health Inc. All Rights Reserved. In just seven years, the NPF has saved clients $19 billion in annual, incremental value. For more recent information or to price a medication, you can visit us on the Web at Express Scripts Medicare ® 0000007447 00000 n 0000000956 00000 n Express Scripts manages your prescription plan for your employer, plan sponsor, health plan or benefit fund. 0000015942 00000 n %PDF-1.5 %���� Nmero de identificacin del formulario: 21095, versin 4. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many employers and other plan sponsors are grappling with difficult situations, choosing between maintaining employee benefits and avoiding staff and resource reductions. Express Scripts Medicare (PDP) 2021 Formulary (List of Covered Drugs) PLEASE READ: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION ABOUT SOME OF THE DRUGS COVERED BY THIS PLAN Formulary ID Number: 21048, v9 This formulary was updated on 08/26/2020. Express Scripts manages your prescription plan for your employer, plan sponsor, health plan or benefit fund. 0000006442 00000 n 0000036119 00000 n 0000004230 00000 n Express Scripts’ commercial clients’ drug spend increased by only 2.3% in 2019, although brand drug prices increased by 5.2%. Formulary ID Number: 21096, Version 4. Sign-up for our free Medicare Part D Newsletter, Use the Online Calculators, FAQs or contact us through our Helpdesk -- Powered by Q1Group LLC Sr. Director, Clinical Program Management. Express Scripts Medicare (PDP) 2021 Formulary (List of Covered Drugs) PLEASE READ: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION ABOUT SOME OF THE DRUGS COVERED BY THIS PLAN. Express Scripts Medicare (PDP) 2021 Formulary PLEASE READ: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION ABOUT SOME OF THE DRUGS COVERED BY THIS PLAN. 0000038219 00000 n Preferred pharmacies agree to charge less for certain prescription drugs. 0000019915 00000 n Addressing Future Star Ratings . Our goal is to make sure each patient gets the medicine that helps achieve the best outcome. 0000038004 00000 n For more recent information or to price a medication, you can visit us on the Web at . These excluded medications do not apply to Medicare plans. World-class customer support, 24x7. Learn more about our formulary. 26 0 obj <> endobj xref 26 33 0000000016 00000 n 0000028516 00000 n . 2021 National Preferred Formulary Exclusions ANTIINFECTIVES Antibiotic Agents - Vancomycins (Oral) FIRVANQ vancomycin capsules Antifungal Agents (Oral) TOLSURA itraconazole 0000003935 00000 n Express Scripts Medicare (PDP) Formulario de 2021 (Lista de medicamentos cubiertos) IMPORTANTE: ESTE DOCUMENTO CONTIENE INFORMACIÓN SOBRE LOS MEDICAMENTOS QUE CUBRIMOS EN ESTE PLAN . A 2021 3.5-star rated plan. Express Scripts Medicare - Value (PDP) is a Basic Alternative 2021 Medicare (Part-D) Prescription Plan by Express Scripts Medicare. Safe, accurate prescriptions delivered to your door. Now, as always, we’re here to help. coveredby Express Scripts Medicare, please contact Our contact information appears on the front andback If there are additional changes made to the formulary that affect you and are not mentioned above, you will be notified in writing of these changes within a reasonable period oftime trailer <<8b9c9f725a8d11ebaf7a001f5bf31d8e>]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 29 0 obj<>stream 2021 Medicare Part D Browse a Plan Formulary (Drug List) - Providing detailed information on the Medicare Part D program for every state, including selected Medicare Part D plan features and costs organized by State. Express Scripts Medicare (PDP) 2021 Formulary (List of Covered Drugs) PLEASE READ: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION ABOUT SOME OF THE DRUGS COVERED BY THIS PLAN Formulary ID Number: 21050, v7 This formulary was updated on 08/25/2020. 0000002603 00000 n 0000003020 00000 n Este formulario se actualiz el 3/1/2021. By using this site (i.e., by clicking on the site), you consent to our use of cookies and similar technologies, as described in our Cookies and Similar Technologies Policy Formulary changes: Saver plan; Value plan; Choice plan; Express Scripts Medicare may add or remove drugs from our formulary during the year. 0000001422 00000 n The maximum deductible for 2021 is $445, but this plan (Express Scripts Medicare - Saver (PDP)) has a $285. The formulary is the list of drugs included in your prescription plan. Subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates and the latest thinking from our experts. 2021 Medicare Part D Browse a Plan Formulary (Drug List) - Providing detailed information on the Medicare Part D program for every state, including selected Medicare Part D plan features and costs organized by State. This formulary was updated on 08/24/2020. There are other plans with a lower deductible or even a $0 deductible for all formulary drugs. Inclusion on the list does not guarantee coverage. Formulary ID Number: 21095, Version 4. For more recent information or to price a medication, you can visit us on the Web at 0000004454 00000 n 0000001930 00000 n 0000004677 00000 n Sign-up for our free Medicare Part D Newsletter, Use the Online Calculators, FAQs or contact us through our Helpdesk -- Powered by Q1Group LLC express Or a week. Express Scripts Medicare (PDP) 2021 Formulary (List of Covered Drugs) PLEASE READ: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION ABOUT SOME OF THE DRUGS COVERED BY THIS PLAN Formulary ID Number: 21047, v6 This formulary was updated on 08/24/2020. Express Scripts Medicare (PDP) 2021 Formulary (List of Covered Drugs) PLEASE READ: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION ABOUT THE DRUGS WE COVER IN THIS PLAN . 0000024342 00000 n Formulary ID Number: 21048, v9 This formulary was updated on 08/24/2020. The small percentage who are affected will receive personalized communications educating them about their options, and we will notify their physicians and pharmacists before the exclusions are implemented. It represents an abbreviated version of the drug list (formulary) that is at the core of your prescription plan. Express Scripts Medicare - Saver (PDP) (S5660-236-0) Benefits & Contact Info select insulin pay $35 copay: This plan is available in CMS PDP Region 20 Monthly Premium: $27.80 Rx Deductible: $285 Initial Coverage Limit: $4,130 Qualifies for LIS: No Click on a letter below to view the Express Scripts Medicare - Saver (PDP) Formulary Utilizing the National Preferred Formulary (NPF) is a powerful, clinically sound way to drive savings.