Assuming you have your plant in good light, have a decently draining soil, and your plant is not overpotted (in a pot that is too big for its root system), you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Sonkir is a soil moisture meter. It displays moisture level on a scale of 0-10. With this, you don’t need to do guesswork about whether your plants need water or not. It ensures the proper growth of your plants. I use this soil moisture sensor in my house for my potted plants, and I actually have been very pleased with it. The primary types are tensiometric and volumetric meters or sensors. With Yoyomax, you don’t need to do guesswork anymore. It helps you to know what your plants need. Make your plant happy and your life easier with soil moisture meter. This is a perfect soil test kit to get a dream garden. Many times this means a yellow leaf or two, despite our best efforts, but the situation should stabilize as your plant becomes accustomed to your home. The product can make your plant happier and healthier. It is very easy to understand the reading. It assists you to check all details and keep a track on all the changes to your plants. Designed to test only soil and not any other liquid. In tandem, the meter and the technique work great and I learned how to properly water a plant. The meter will read dry. It is an ideal gardening tool for testing plants and flowers. Take a look at her poor rubber plant below. The meter can accurately detect the amount of moisture present in plants. It is a portable and lightweight soil tester, which allows you to carry it indoor and outdoor easily and conveniently. Analog types do not require a power source and readily transmit electricity from the soil when moist. The reason that some look down on soil moisture meters is because of the plethora of crappy and cheap ones that don't actually work well... but not all meters are bad. One common type of portable soil moisture meter is the electrical resistance block. Also, try to avoid putting the probe on hard stones. Meter is suitable for any type of plant. Moisture meters indirectly measure the moisture content in a piece of wood by measuring certain electrical properties within the wood. works quite well. Technology: Some inexpensive probes use conductive sensing and resistance. It clearly indicates the wetness or dryness of the soil, so that adequate water can be poured into the plants. I wanted to share this example and then tell you what you should be doing instead of using a soil moisture meter. A high-quality moisture meter used on the right material can be accurate to within less than 0.1% of the material's moisture content by weight. The best in kind will portray the simplest of design that can be handled easily. Some plants like ferns hate to dry out much at all, while succulents and some others like to dry out completely in between watering. Sorry to disappoint you, but no gadget is required for this one! iPower accurately displays when you need to water your plants. I do use mine to check the moisture in pots (not cuttings - I wouldn't want to damage the cuttings by sticking something into the container), but I look at the probe. If you don’t get watering quite right, it can result in a variety of symptoms. This way, the meter contributes effectively to the growth of plants. The key for self watering pots though is to make sure that you use a more open potting mix and not one that is too dense, otherwise you will be suffocating the roots. Periodically lift your plant after a few days. This soil test kit can detect all the information accurately that is required for a healthy plant. Put it inside the soil around 2-4 inches deep. ... because soil may appear dry at the surface but be moist at the plant's roots. Not only this, they start giving inaccurate results on soils that have different salt levels. If the part of the chopstick that was in the soil has darkened, it means it has absorbed water and you should wait to water again. If it comes away dry, time to water. It changes colors between red, green, and blue. Best Grain: AgraTronix MT-16 Grain Moisture Meter “Totally useful, direct readout of 16 different grain scales, save data up to 99 times of usage, bright display and highly portable. I have 3 main reasons not to use soil moisture meters, and 3 things that you can do instead of using these instruments. The product can be used for indoor or outdoor purposes. If it comes away with some dirt on it, there is enough moisture. Over time, you will be able to visually judge soil moisture by the color of the soil. Soil moisture meters and sensors may rely on a portable sensing device that is pushed into the soil or into an access tube that’s placed in the soil for monitoring purposes. No battery is required to use the hygrometer. Take out the probe and clean it before keeping aside. Features of the best soil moisture meter. Lower-grade moisture meters aren’t very accurate as numbers are misleading and changing. Every website includes a ‘Buy Now’ button where you can click and then clear the payment then complete the buying process. Meter is a moisture sensor meter. The meter easily and accurately detects the health condition of plants. In other words, if your livelihood depends on how you handle wood, your ROI on a top-shelf wood moisture meter will be incalculable. Leave the chopstick there for 10-15 minutes. This little device was crucial in helping me learn how and when to … These types of probes develop rust and corrode with time. After so many people using these instruments came to me complaining about their plants dying, I wanted to give you my thoughts on using moisture meters for houseplants. It is the best soil moisture meter to take care of your plants. It assists the gardener in knowing about the situation of the plants. Subsequently, question is, can you leave a moisture meter in the soil? It will decide whether you can carry the probe for outdoor purposes or not. A soil moisture meter is one of the instruments in agriculture. You can carry it for external use even while you are traveling. XLUX T10, is a soil moisture meter. Many gardeners, composters, nurseries use it regularly to get accurate moisture readings. The long and slender electrode is strong enough to penetrate into the hard soil. Hope this helps! Even better, we took the time to do product reviews of different makes and models to save you the hassle. For months! You just have to plugin and read about the moisture in the content. Two types of commerc… Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links. To use it, just put it in the soil and the meter will immediately display the soil type – wet, dry, or moist. As a gardening tool, it is used for taking care of plants. Due to the use of electricity, the presence of salt in the soil can affect the readings. You just have to plug in and read. The product doesn’t require any electricity or battery to operate. Should you be using a soil moisture meter for your houseplants? They may work initially when brand new (maybe), but they won’t withstand frequent use. Rather than using prongs to measure electrical resistance, they instead use sensors. Because I would not promote something that I don’t believe in and that doesn’t work. After realizing that I hadn’t watered it in a while, the lower leaves were yellowing so I took the plant down. Always clean the probe before and after using it to test the moisture level. If you are testing for soil moisture, here is one meter that can help you to measure your garden’s soil moisture, PH value, and sunlight level of plants. These waves create an electromagnetic field, and from there, the meter generates a reading. If you let the top couple inches of your soil dry out, there should be no concern at all with "overwatering." Its use prevents over or under watering of plants. REOTEMP is made up of stainless steel, so the product is highly durable. The meter is portable, so it can be used indoors or outdoors. Select either moisture/pH/light mode whichever you want to check. So, it shouldn’t be used in cases when the amount of salt varies in the samples used for testing. I mean if I put my finger in soil and top couple inches is dry but the bottom or middle part may not be then I will be over water the plant. They measure (or try to measure) conductivity. If you have a very porous, chunky mix with a lot of air, such as orchid bark mixes, it will yield very awful, misleading readings. Why Are My Houseplant Leaves Turning Yellow – Tips to Fix! If you doubt - try probing a glass of deionized (distilled) water. One that is adaptable to both outdoor and indoor conditions is always an advantage to the user. With its scientific data monitoring system, it makes sure that your plants grow and remain in healthy condition. I'm so happy that you're enjoying my blog! It contains a 15-inch-long probe. Dr. These require no batteries and have an ordinary design, but are outstandingly effective. So, searching for the best soil moisture meter could be a tough decision to make. The soil meter can be easily used by inserting its sensor probes into the soil about 2-4 inches. It felt a little cool, but I misjudged it since I couldn’t see the soil.