The European Commission has run 2 parallel public consultations on a new competition tool (NCT) and a new legal framework for digital services – the Digital Services Act (DSA) package – … Digital Services Act 3 June, 2020 On the 2 June 2020 the European Commission initiated an open public consultation as part of its evidence-gathering exercise to inform the contents of the upcoming Digital Services Act (DSA) legislative package (expected to be put forward in late 2020). The European Commission ('the Commission') announced, on 2 June 2020, that it had launched a public consultation on the Digital Services Act package. On 2 June, the Commission launched a wide-ranging public consultation on its forthcoming Digital Services Act (DSA), which will propose new rules for companies operating online services. OVERVIEW . Proposal for a Digital Services Act (DSA) Introduction Digital services play a foundational role in driving innovation and growth in the economy, supporting the smooth operation of digital supply chains and creating market opportunities and access for businesses of all sizes. Digital services act . The rules governing the provision of digital services in the EU have remained largely unchanged since the adoption of the e-Commerce Directive in 2000, while digital technologies and business models continue to evolve rapidly and new societal challenges are emerging , such as the spread of The new Digital Services Act is likely to have significant ramifications for digital service providers, particularly platforms. Global Partners Digital, supported by Ranking Digital Rights, has responded to a consultation initiated by the European Commission to inform its development of the proposed Digital Services Act. An important part of it is about illegal content online, which is an important challenge faced by emergency services nowadays. On 02 June 2020, the European Commission (the Commission) launched a public consultation on the Digital Services Act package. A consultation paper on proposed amendments to the Payment Services Act 2019 in relation to AML/CFT, and other amendments in respect of digital payment … The EU Digital Services Act package. Companies concerned about the potential impact of the new Digital Services Act should ensure they respond to the consultation prior to 8 September 2020. The Act will create a new regulatory framework for digital services and will replace the current framework established by the e-Commerce Directive. The Digital Services Act package is intended to strengthen the Single Market for digital services and foster innovation and competitiveness of the European online environment. The Commission launched a public consultation to identify issues that may require intervention through the proposed Digital Services Act (DSA). Public consultation launched on Digital Services Act package The Digital Services Act intends to regulate digital services in Europe, from e-commerce to the protection of users.