The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the guidelines for the first two years of the Digital Europe programme, under Horizon Europe, which will run from 2021-2027, and which proposes investment in digital technologies that have a positive impact on European companies. Digital transformations in Europe – what is at stake? What do you think Europe’s role should be? Search form. Government strengthens digital leadership 12 January 2021 — News story Announcement by Alex Chisholm of the appointment of three senior digital, data and technology leaders. the first two years of the proposed Digital Europe programme Fields marked with * are mandatory. The recently published Green Paper on Ageing by the European Commission is intended to kickstart a broader discussion on the future of Europe and on the effects of demographic change on people’s way of lives. The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) is drafting an opinion on "Digital Europe programme 2021-2027" with rapporteur Mr Markku Markkula (FI/EPP), City councillor of Espoo, Finland. The purpose of this consultation is to gather the stakeholders’ views on the key areas, elements and priorities of the initial phases of the future EU Digital Europe programme. Digital Europe Programme — Feedback on the public consultation on the draft orientations for the Draft Orientations for the preparation of the workprogramme(s) 2021-2022 “To ensure that no further pockets of inequalities are created, and digital innovation delivers In the period 2021-2027, the programme will invest in digital technologies with the potential to make a difference to European citizens and businesses. Have your say and answer to the consultation by 25.10.2019. You will find the meeting agenda here. A summary report has been released which takes stock of the contributions and presents preliminary trends that emerge from them. In the span of hardly a century the innovation had become established around the Aegean area, Sicily, southern Italy, southern France, Spain-. Digital Europe programme - consultation on the orientation of the first two years. The European Commission has opened a public consultation on its proposed Digital Europe programme, seeking feedback on how to invest the budget in … Consultation on the Digital Europe programme for 2021-2027. To be aware of the current situation in Europe and globally on remote monitoring and remote consultation; To be aware of best practice in remote consultation from the patient and health care professional’s perspectives; To understand the challenges to implementation of remote digital services, including workflow and reimbursement The Commission has opened a consultation on the orientation of the first two years of its proposed Digital Europe programme. It is the EU's leading initiative to support R&I from concept to market, and complements national and regional funding. Programme for the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union ... cohesion and European values 7 2 — Green Europe Promoting the EU as a leader in climate action 8 3 — Digital Europe Accelerating the digital transformation for citizens and businesses 9 4 — Social Europe ... We will encourage greater consultation between From its inception in 2016, the aim of the programme has been to explore the opportunities and challenges that digital technologies are creating within different aspects of society.1 The Education and Skills Consultation on 6 Digital transformations in Europe – what is at stake? Inputs received through the consultation will help the Commission finalise the Orientations for Digital Europe. Language Technology in the Digital Europe Programme - EC Consultation Workshop (Brussels) PARTICIPATION. Mandatory consultation of other institutions. The proposed €5 million for genome editing research is a small part of a total of €1.83 billion that is to be spent in 2021 and 2022 on Horizon Europe’s sixth cluster on food, bioeconomy natural resources, agriculture and environment, the draft work programme from December 2020 has revealed. The European Commission has opened a consultation on the draft Orientation of the first two years of its proposed Digital Europe programme. The consultation is a unique opportunity to have your say in the definition of the priorities for the first 2 years of the Digital Europe programme (2021-2022). European Economic and Social Committee: Digital Europe is a new programme and part of the "Single Market, Innovation and Digital" chapter of the EU's long-term budget proposal. Between 25 July and 25 October 2019, a targeted consultation took place with the objective to gather the views of stakeholders on the strategic objectives of the Digital Europe Programme for the first two years. 1 August 2019 - 12:00. WHO/Europe has launched an online consultation on its proposed European Programme of Work (EPW) entitled “United Action for Better Health”. AAL is a European programme funding innovation that keeps us connected, healthy, active and happy into our old age. Horizon Europe is the European Union's future framework programme on research and innovation (R&I) for 2021-2027. RAND Europe design and deliver an annual programme of Thought Leadership at St George’s House. 1 ECB (2020), Report on a digital euro, Frankfurt am Main.. 2 "Sometime in the first millennium BC, coinage was invented probably in Asia Minor, and it rapidly spread throughout in the Mediterranean area-.Wherever Greeks settled coinage followed. The European public has the opportunity to have their say on issues linked to ageing via the below EC link […] ESMA welcomes the EC consultation noting that it builds on the 2018 FinTech Action Plan that set a number of deliverables for the ESAs, all of which These will then shape the work programmes and calls for proposals for the programme’s first two years (2021-2022). Search . We represent digital competence centres or networks of digital competence centres, ICT learning centres, adult education centres and libraries across Europe where children and adults can access the Internet, learn the latest digital skills and keep up to date with technology and community developments. Search. The EBA is committed to securing technology neutrality in regulatory and supervisory approaches and strongly supports the Commission’s initiative towards a new Digital Finance Strategy. The purpose of this consultation is to gather the stakeholders’ views on the key areas, elements and priorities of the initial phases of the future EU Digital Europe programme. The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its response to the European Commission’s consultation on a new Digital Finance Strategy for Europe. The EPW sets out the future priorities for WHO’s Regional Office for Europe building on the mandate that the WHO’s Regional Director for Europe received from Member States after his election last year. EC published a Consultation on the Digital Europe Programme. 25 / 07 / 2019. Focus of the consultation: What are your views on the ongoing digital transformation of our society and economy? Commissions starts consultation on Digital Europe programme On 25 July 2019, the European Commission opened a consultation on the orientation of the first two years of its proposed Digital Europe programme. Digital Europe proposes to invest €9.2 billion in supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, advanced digital skills, and societal uptake of new technology. the first two years of the proposed Digital Europe programme Fields marked with * are mandatory. Its development process includes the European Commission (EC) consultation on the draft orientations for the preparation of the work programmes 2021-2022. The consultation is open to anyone with an interest in digital technologies and their deployment in Europe, and will ask participants to give their views on the programme’s draft ‘Orientations‘, a document that will help the Commission to develop the programme’s work plans and calls for proposals for 2021-2022. EARTO and its members very much welcomed the EU Institutions’ efforts to create the Digital Europe Programme (DEP). The European Commission on Thursday launched a public consultation on the direction of the first two years of its new, seven-year Digital Europe infrastructure plan. The purpose of this consultation is to gather the stakeholders’ views on the key areas, elements and priorities of the initial phases of the future EU Digital Europe programme. The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s securities markets regulator, has submitted a response to the European Commission’s (EC) consultation on a new digital finance strategy for the European Union (EU). Proposed starting year Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023/4 Possibility to foresee a preparatory action (Coordination and support action or Submissions by 25 October. We support the development of products and services that make a real difference to people’s lives – for those facing some of the challenges of ageing and for those who care for older people if … Philippe Wacker presented A Strategic Vision for LI in Digital Europe. The aim of the Digital Citizenship Education (DCE) Project is the empowerment of children through education or the acquisition of competences for learning and active participation in digital society. On 25 July 2019, the European Commission opened a consultation on the orientation of the first two years of its proposed Digital Europe programme. 10 February 2020 to 11 February 2020.