(1940) by R K Merton Venue: Social Forces, Add To MetaCart. MN100 Course Assignment 1 Bureaucratic Structure and Personality The aims of the article are quite clear cut. Bureaucratic Structure and Personality. Leopold Ringel. Tools. For a brief summary of Weber's discussion, see Talcott Parsons, The Structure of Social Action (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1937), esp. Jan 1961; 3-62; V Thompson; Thompson V (1961) … Merton R (1940) Bureaucratic structure and personality. A bureaucratic structure, for example, may lead to increased productivity and performance but it gives employees less opportunity for creativity and decision-making. A bureaucratic organization is a form of management that has a pyramidal command structure. Download books for free. Basic sociological terms. Soc Forces 18:560-668. 506 ff. Lesson Summary. Merton (1940) in the article entitled “Bureaucratic structure and personality” attempts a discussion on the matters that are related to the well-defined patterns of the several activities within an organization that are related to the purposefulness of the organization. Bureaucratic Structure and Personality | Robert K. Merton | download | BookSC. Find books READ PAPER. Robert K. Merton: Bureaucratic Structure & Personality Robert K. Merton Complex Organizations “With increasing bureaucratization, it becomes plain... [that we are] controlled by our social relations to the instruments of production. Summary. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. I argue that Weber’s ... military development in older societies, the bureaucratic structure of modern armies “allows for A short summary of this paper. A bureaucracy can be an effective means of organization in a … Bureaucratic flexibility: some comments on Robert Merton's 'Bureaucratic Structure and Personality' INTRODUCTION Robert K. Merton wrote a now classic study of bureaucracy and bureaucrats entitled 'Bureaucratic Structure and Personality. Bureaucracy is a power instrument of the highest order, since under otherwise equal conditions rationally organized action is superior to all other types, making those who control bureaucratic organizations quite powerful. Bureaucratic structure and personality. Download. For a description, which is not a caricature, of the bureaucrat as a personality type, see C. Rabany, Les types sociaux: le fonctionnaire, Revue ginirale d'administration, LXXXVIII (1907), 5-.8. The Objective basis of bureaucratic perpetuity Once established, bureaucratic structures are the hardest to destroy. Rezension: Robert Merton (1940). Merton, R. K. (1940). legitimated in modern society through the development of a bureaucratic personality. We begin ... power and bureaucracy will be discussed in the following sections. pp. Rezension: Robert Merton (1940). Sorted by ... Summary We utilize a qualitative study of 33 employees in for-profit and non-profit organizations to elaborate theory on job crafting. Bureaucratic Structure and Personality. Bureaucracy, specific form of organization defined by complexity, division of labour, permanence, professional management, hierarchical coordination and control, strict chain of command, and legal authority.It is distinguished from informal and collegial organizations. Bureaucratic Structure and Personality. '1 In it he analysed the relationship of bureaucratic structure, personality and bureaucratic inefficiency. A matrix structure, on the other hand, provides a lot of freedom and flexibility but it … Robert K Merton examines the structure and dysfunctions of a bureaucracy, also structural sources of over conformity.