Yes it works. To convert refractive index to a specific gravity, one must perform a calibration adjustment for unfermented wort. Jeffrey Donovan of Sausalito Brewing Company has written a wonderful program called ProMash that — along with numerous other things — includes a refractometer calculator for brewers. ... are put in the refractometer and the refractive index is read and then converted to specific gravity using a brewing calculator. I use mine while mashing to track the progress as well as when sparging so I don’t over sparge by going below 1.011. This does not come with a hardcase. BeerSmith 3, the world's top selling beer brewing software, now adds mead, wine and cider support. o: BeerSmith Blog: o: BeerSmith Podcast Apps & … I want to get a refractometer, but I'm not sure if its a good idea. don't try to compute an FG specific gravity without having the original reading too. The Lite version lets you view, time, and carry your recipes on the go (no editing). Website - Full beer style guide in app for reference - Seven calculators including: hydrometer adjust, infusions, alcohol/attenuation, mash adjust, weight/volume, refractometer and carbonation - Five unit converters: temperature, gravity, weight, volume, pressure . Read more about ABV equations here. Ade Advanced Optics Beer Wort and Wine Refractometer, Dual Scale - Specific Gravity 1.000-1.120 and Brix 0-32%, Replaces Homebrew Hydrometer (Aluminium): … The biggest advantage to a refractometer is how quickly you can take a gravity reading with just a few drops of wort. His calculator requires brix, which was fine since my refractometer is dual-scale. Need to create great homebrewing beer recipes on the go? General Tools & Instruments Brix Refractometer: Home Improvement. Yes maybe in reading fg that may b the case because there is less sugars left in the wort, but I can personally say that my last 15 batches I have used both a hydrometer and a refractometer for my preboil and post boil readings and I have had as little as 1.002 and as high as 1.010 differences in readings. But at that point you may as well buy a refract that only has the 1 scale for Brix. I just can't figure out the beersmith calculators. Hello Select your address All Hello, Sign in. OG of 1.056, refractometer is calibrated, and entered into BSmith. BeerSmith, the top selling home brewing software, comes to Android! I use BeerSmith for brewing and it has a special tool just for Refractometer calibration to convert Brix to Specific Gravity. I use BeerSmith for brewing and it has a special tool just for Refractometer calibration to convert Brix to Specific Gravity. Beersmith files have a *bsmx file extension which can be directly imported into Brewer’s Friend, or you can import those files as BeerXML files (with a .xml extension) as well. Hi gang, I was wondering how y'all use a refractometer in conjunction with BeerSmith. - Seven calculators including: hydrometer adjust, infusions, alcohol/attenuation, mash adjust, weight/volume, refractometer and carbonation - Five unit converters: temperature, gravity, weight, volume, pressure What's New: Version 3 of BeerSmith adds: - … This tool, though more rarely used, can be used to backtrack the original gravtiy of a beer based on a final refractometer and final hydrometer reading. A digital refractometer uses the total reflection method to measure the refractive index or related values of a liquid sample. Beersmith 2. There is an angle of light propagation at which refraction no longer occurs, the light beam instead being reflected back into … BeerSmith™ Podcast Listen to the latest episodes of the BeerSmith Podcast here! I use Beersmith's refractometer calculator and I am off by .2 gravity points compared to a hydrometer. Beersmith Brix Calculations. After performing the calibration, it confirmed the Specific Gravity scale on the Refractometer was exact for Unfermented Wort.That last statement is important, however, it is only accurate for UNFERMENTED WORT. But for FG I'm still stuck on a hydrometer. And, my current gravity is 1.033 (8.2 Brix i believe), using the refractometer. Because of the presence of alcohol which alters the refractive index of the beer, both fermenting and fermented raw readings from your refractometer cannot be used directly. This calculator tells the actual specific gravity no matter what temperature the sample is at, and provides a place for you to enter your hydrometer's calibration. If you have Beersmith or another calculator, you can take the measurement in Brix and convert it. Thanks for using our calculator. It is an easy but often neglected task. Then divide the reading of the refractometer by your actual hydrometer reading. Next, you typically clean the glass slide off and then put a few drops of wort on the slide and then close the cover. The refractive index of a liquid doesn’t just change with density; it also changes with temperature. i.e. save hide report. Distilled water should read zero brix/plato or 1.000 SG. My question is, how accurate is the Wort Correction Index of 1.04 (corrected for maltose vs. glucose) after the majority of the sugars present in the original wort have been converted into CO2 and alcohol? Custom Name: Water Notes: Describe the target water and any special treatments. Got a saison going at the moment, used YB Wallonian Saison. I have an in depth article on refractometers and how they operate here. The BeerSmith 3.1 update is here – enjoy a free 21 day trial version you can run side by side with your existing BeerSmith 2, or buy a license today! Basically the program calculates the amount of alcohol based on the difference between the refractometer and hydrometer reading and uses that to estimate the OG of the beer. Refractometer Calculator Convert pre-fermentation Brix to gravity, Brix to gravity during and after fermentation, approximate ABV, and original gravity from current Brix and gravity using the Refractometer Calculators below. The hydrometer measured it at 1.032 (70F) corrected to 1.033 (60F) and the refractometer came in at 7.7. I prefer to work in brix/plato with my refractometer, remembering to multiply by four points and add 1.000 to get the number in specific gravity. In practical use, a refractometer is very simple. The Vee Gee Deluxe Refractometer with ATC includes a large, clear scale, an Automatic Temperature Correction, a zero-to-30 Brix scale, an ocular eyepiece for focusing and other great features. A Refractometer is a device used to measure the Specific gravity of liquids by measuring the degree to which light is bent as it enters the liquid sample. Things get more complicated with final gravity because there is alcohol in the water, but we’ll get to that later. Beer Refractometer. Brewer’s Friend accepts either one of those file formats, so you can also import ANY .xml files into Brewer’s Friend from other software programs or from recipes on the internet that have an .xml file type. In the context of homebrewing, a refractometer is essential to taking a measurement that determines the starting Brix and or Specific Gravity of your beer. gravity, On iTunes: Audio - Video Top Brewing Articles. That last statement is important, however, it is only accurate for UNFERMENTED WORT. I’m making a wine, and I use a refractometer. Need to create great homebrewing beer recipes on the go? The Brewer's Friend refractometer calculator does an excellent job of applying some advanced math into the task determining the non-linear values of alcohol on refractive indices. BeerSmith 2, the top selling home brewing software, comes to iPhone and iPad! Homebrew Refractometer Calculator - If you are willing to spend the dough for a refractometer, this page is really helpful. Need some tutoring with Beersmith. Our easy-to-use beer recipe calculator and designer will let you brew with total confidence. The beersmith calculator is way off. tool, { 4 comments… read them below or add one }. Rated 5 out of 5. The short version is that a refractometer can be used to replace your hydrometer and take accurate gravity readings of both unfermented and fermented wort. I use BeerSmith for brewing and it has a special tool just for Refractometer calibration to convert Brix to Specific Gravity. 4 comments. Zymurgy 2017, 40 (4), 48–54. It is not accurate but it is consistantly off (or at least mine is). BeerSmith also has an additional calculation labeled Original Gravity of Finished Beer. This shouldn’t make or break your decision to purchase one of these optical wonders, but keep it in mind so that you have realistic expectations. Also, the picture is inaccurate. Entering this into beersmith gives me a brix correction factor of 0.9306. Once you have the zero set and also the brix correction factor set you are ready to take readings. Beersmith has a refractometer tool in their software and you can calibrate it to your refractometer. refractometer, It only has a section for determining the Brix correction factor for unfermented wort. Need some tutoring with Beersmith. 3) Found this post and sure enough, when I went to BeerSmith program, there was a calculator for adjusting refractometer readings during fermentation. This is great information to make my refractometer more accurate, cant wait to try it out! With the scale named “SG wort” I would expect it to be quite accurate for beer (maltose, not sugar water). It mostly converts your brix readings to specific gravity, which is especially helpful for the final gravity. (Read 3101 times) ynot Guest; refractometer ?? You simply put a few drops on the clean slide, close the slide cover and hold it up to a light. Most modern refractometers have a knob or screw on top of the device to adjust the zero. This week we take a look at how to get the most out of your refractometer using BeerSmith. Thi… Beer brewing software can help you perform this calibration and calculation. Hi Brad, You can use a refractometer adjustment calculator to get close. But when I enter 13.0 in Beersmith (Unfermented wort gravity), it converts it to 1051. BeerSmith Mobile gives you all the tools to design, edit and brew your best beer from your phone or tablet. Welcome to our complete selection of precision beer brewing testing and measuring equipment. However, for measuring Final Gravity with a refractometer, a special calculator is required once alcohol is present in the beer.